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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC


Relevant context 

Developing country with a population that has been harshly subjected to climate-induced disasters, such as hurricanes

Process for developing NDC 

This update was developed through a highly participatory process, reflecting on the contributions of the following:

  • Different institutional actors
  • Organized civil society, especially vulnerable groups such as women, youth, indigenous communities and Afro-Hondurans (PIAH).

Sectoral specialists were tasked with analyzing data facilitating decision making.

The NDC updating process included the country’s main institutions with the aim of collecting information from the largest number of stakeholders and inputs generated by ongoing initiatives.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

Various mechanisms are mentioned throughout the NDC. Honduras already has a National System for the Measurement, Reporting and Verification for Transparency (SN-MRVT) and an Information System for Forest Management and Monitoring (SIGMOF). The National Safeguards Framework for Climate Change Initiatives and REDD+ Safeguard Systems are also mentioned under the MRV component.

Summary of gender reference 

Gender is mentioned numerous times throughout this update. The NDC is stated to be aligned with the country’s II Gender Equality and Equity plan of 2010-2022 (II PIEGH).

Due to gender roles and inequality that is exacerbated by climate change, gender is considered an important agenda item, referenced in both the mitigation and adaptation sections. Likewise, gender is heavily referenced within the NDC's social inclusion component, which highlights the importance of advancing gender equality and paying special attention to vulnerable groups such as women, youth and PIAH.

Gender equity and equality are included in the country’s sectoral mitigation commitments in the LULUCF sector. The section on adaptation references gender mainstreaming as well as plans for a finance mechanism for vulnerable groups (including women). Also provided for is a gender-responsive mechanism for agricultural insurance against loss and damage that women, PIAHs and youth can access.

A gender strategic roadmap will also be adopted in the country’s third revision of the NDC in 2025.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC



Relevant context 

A developing nation in Central America, Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events, exacerbated by a high poverty rate.

Process for developing NDC 

The development of this NDC has included a process of participation of major stakeholders, including participatory workshops and sectoral meetings.

Other concepts mentioned 
Human rights
Summary of gender reference 

Women mentioned as vulnerable groups (WVG). The Republic of Honduras believes necessary policies and measures to combat global warming focus on the ‘human face’ of climate change. To do this, the actions to take should improve the living conditions of the people whose situation may be more vulnerable to climate change. These actions should ensure a transversal perspective of human rights and gender equality, ensuring that women, indigenous peoples and Afro-Hondurans have full and effective participation in decision-making. This message of hope is already included in the policies of the Republic of Honduras within the strategic plan of government " Plan of All for a Better Life ".

Also, a gender perspective is essential to include in a model of sustainable national development aspect. Therefore, recognizes the role of women as agents/drivers of change, which must be taken into account in making decisions that allow the development of a low carbon society and resistant to the effects of climate change.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

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Related Resources

AILAC Submission: Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change






Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean. (2024). Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2. UNFCCC Submission.

Mapeo de iniciativas sobre igualdad de género en la pesca, acuacultura y conservación marina en Latinoamérica y el Caribe






Solano, N. F.J. Fernández-Rivera Melo. 2021. Mapeo de iniciativas sobre igualdad de género en la pesca, acuacultura y conservación marina en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C.

Land for Life: Farming Communities Develop Innovative Agroforestry System Preserving the Rainforests and Ensuring Better Livelihoods





Women and Gender Constituency. (2018). Land for Life: Farming Communities Develop Innovative Agroforestry System Preserving the Rainforests and Ensuring Better Livelihoods.

Submission by Costa Rica on Behalf of the AILAC Group of Countries Composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on Item 16 of the SBI Agenda: Gender and Climate Change






Costa Rica. (2016). Submission by Costa Rica on Behalf of the AILAC Group of Countries Composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on Item 16 of the SBI Agenda: Gender and Climate Change. UNFCCC Submission in Response to the Mandate 18/CP.20, paragraph 15.

Submission by Costa Rica on behalf of the ailac group of countries composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on item 16 of the sbi agenda: gender and climate change






Costa Rica. (2016). Submission by Costa Rica on behalf of the ailac group of countries composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on item 16 of the sbi agenda: gender and climate change. UNFCCC Submission in Response to Mandate FCCC/SBI/2016/L.16, paragraph 5.

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