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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC


Relevant context 

Land-locked country in South America highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change

Process for developing NDC 

Paraguay’s Updated NDC was developed through a participatory process, involving interviews with 481 people, conducted virtually or in-person. 53% of participants were men, and 47% were women.

Development of the adaptation component benefitted from the participation of the following sectors: the centralized public (28%), the civil sector (23%), the municipals (23%), the private sector (18%) and an “other” category which included experts, academics and indigenous peoples (8%). For the mitigation component, sectors engaged were: the public (44.2%), producers guilds (18.5%), private companies (9.6%), academia (8.7%), cooperatives (8.3%), NGOs (4.9%), indigenous (3.9%), and international and cooperators (1.5%).

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

This update discusses the means of implementation. as well as the needs, progress and lines of action needed to achieve the mitigation and adaptation targets in the NDC. Paraguay’s First Adaptation communication lays the foundation for developing the National Monitoring and Evaluation System, which measures the achievement of the goals and objectives for each priority sector, as well as the impact of measures implemented to increase the country’s adaptive capacity to climate change.

Summary of gender reference 

Paraguay’s updated NDC included six cross-cutting axes that were identified during its creation. One of these explicitly included considering a gender perspective. These six axes are mentioned throughout the update along with objectives that are proposed in all sectors. The inclusion of women and promotion of their role as agents of change is present in the update’s lines of action.

Vulnerable groups are mentioned in this NDC. However, no one group of people is explicitly specified. Nevertheless, vulnerabilities arising from gender are discussed in relation to the following actions:

  • Whenever possible, project and program proposals to contemplate the identification of needs using an approach differentiated by gender roles;
  • Promotion of strategies to strengthen women’s leadership, which reduce gaps in participation and access to opportunities; and
  • Increasing the capacity of women belonging to rural communities and indigenous populations so as to build awareness, and combat present and future climate change impacts affecting food production.
Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC


2014-2030 (BAU scenario)

Relevant context 

A developing nation, Paraguay is a landlocked country with nearly seven million people who had the highest economic growth in Latin America over the past 30 years. It is a country with many natural resources, and the production of clean energy is one of the most important activities in the country, and growing agricultural development with a production system based almost entirely by agriculture or conservation system of direct sowing and a growing livestock with highly profitable markets in the country requiring greater effort in producing food for the world.

Process for developing NDC 

NDC was prepared, developed and socialized by the Ministry of Environment.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

Every 5 years, Paraguay reserves the right to revise, update or adjust the proposed contributions and commitments set according to updates of national communications; so as to also agree to new commitments deriving from the new global climate agreement.

Summary of gender reference 

Women mentioned as stakeholders (S) in a summary of the National Development Plan with attention to indigenous peoples, strong role of women; young visionaries and trained with leading the country.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

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Related Resources

AILAC Submission: Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change






Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean. (2024). Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2. UNFCCC Submission.

Submission by Costa Rica on behalf of the ailac group of countries composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on item 16 of the sbi agenda: gender and climate change






Costa Rica. (2016). Submission by Costa Rica on behalf of the ailac group of countries composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on item 16 of the sbi agenda: gender and climate change. UNFCCC Submission in Response to Mandate FCCC/SBI/2016/L.16, paragraph 5.

Submission by Costa Rica on Behalf of the AILAC Group of Countries Composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on Item 16 of the SBI Agenda: Gender and Climate Change






Costa Rica. (2016). Submission by Costa Rica on Behalf of the AILAC Group of Countries Composed by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay and Peru on Item 16 of the SBI Agenda: Gender and Climate Change. UNFCCC Submission in Response to the Mandate 18/CP.20, paragraph 15.

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