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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC


Relevant context 

Developing country that is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change

Process for developing NDC 

The process for developing Nigeria’s Updated NDC was described as collaborative and inclusive, involving a wide array of stakeholders and taking into account inputs from Nigerian experts. Due to COVID-19, many of the stakeholder workshops were held virtually. Since March 2020, “the Federal Ministry of Environment, in close consultation with all relevant MDAs and other stakeholders, including the States, private sector, and civil society organizations, worked to prepare the update.”

As part of this process, a detailed gender analysis was conducted to “determine gender differences in contributions to national development, division of labor, employment, access to resources, and participation in decision-making in the seven priority sectors of the NDC.”

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

Nigeria’s updated NDC mentions various policies and plans that are relevant to meeting its targets. These include the National Climate Change Policy for 2021-2030, and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) framework. The NAP includes monitoring and evaluation component. In addition to this, Nigeria is also preparing an Adaptation Communication, which will be submitted by 2022.

Summary of gender reference 

Gender has its own section within the document. Gender inclusion is listed as a cross-cutting issue that should guide mitigation and adaptation priorities. The update highlights Nigeria’s recently published National Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change, which aspires to ensure that national climate change processes mainstream gender considerations, focusing on the sectors of agriculture, forestry and land use, food security and health, energy and transportation, waste management, water and sanitation.

The update recognizes the struggles women that face in accessing finance, services and resources. It mentions the need for new measures to bring about social inclusion and gender integration into climate change policies and actions, which should also be culturally appropriate.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC



Relevant context 

Developing country that is highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change.

Process for developing NDC 

No mention of process for developing NDC.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

NDC implementation will fall under the remit of the Nigeria Climate Change Policy Response and Strategy (NCCPRS) adopted in 2012, in line with the strategic goal to foster low-carbon, high growth economic development and build a climate resilient society. Implementation will be taken forward by existing governance arrangements under the NCCPRS, with coordination being managed by the Department of Climate Change. The appropriate line ministries and agencies will carry out specific implementation activities.

Other concepts mentioned 
Social inclusion
Summary of gender reference 

Under ‘Mitigation Actions by Sector’:

"The degree to which people are affected by climate change impacts is influenced by their social status, gender, wealth, political power and access to and control over resources. Women and youth, but also remote communities, still have less economic, political and legal clout than, for example, men and the urban middle class. They are more directly impacted and less able to cope with climate impacts. At the same time, mitigation measures can empower these groups that are socio-economically disadvantaged in a differentiated manner. An example is the poverty penalty paid by households in search of potable water and fuel wood. Women benefit most from clean efficient cook stoves, gaining in health and in productive time where these are introduced. They, however, have difficulty accessing financial institutions. Similarly, agricultural extension services have proven to reach more men than women. New policies and measures need to be assessed against their ability to bring social inclusion and be culturally appropriate, as well as improve livelihood security, increase resilience and reduce emissions. The measures included in the Nigeria NDC were deemed to at a minimum be gender neutral and/or to enhance social inclusion."

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

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Related Resources

Nigeria Submission: Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change






Nigeria. (2024). Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2. UNFCCC Submission.

Guide to strengthening gender integration in climate finance projects. A practical guide to setting targets and monitoring progress.






Dupar, M. and P. Velasco. (2021). Advancing gender equality and climate action: A practical guide to setting targets and monitoring progress. Cape Town: Climate and Development Knowledge Network.

Women Building and Using Clean Cook Stoves and Planting a Great Green Wall on Over 1500 km





Women and Gender Constituency. (2016). Women Building and Using Clean Cook Stoves and Planting a Great Green Wall on Over 1500 km.

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