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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of New NDC


Relevant context 

Uruguay is a relatively small developing country with a large proportion of its population residing in the coastal zone thus making it particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Adaptation is a national priority with the aim to increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of its society, productive systems and ecosystems.


Process for developing NDC 

Since the onset of the second NDC development process, a ‘Digital Citizen Participation Platform’ was created and open to the public to submit their views, comments and suggestions on actions they are carrying out or know about related to climate action. The platform also provided information on public consultation for the draft document of the second NDC. Inputs received from the public were published on the platform for transparency and dissemination. This platform is part of Uruguay’s collaboration with the International Partnership for Open Government for the purpose of designing and implementing a participatory process to contribute to the elaboration of the second NDC. 

In addition, relevant stakeholders from various areas and sectors participated in workshops organized  to gather inputs which contributed to the technical analysis and evaluation of possible measures to be included in this second NDC. This NDC mentions constant articulation with various working groups, including one focused on Gender. 

A specific process of capacity building and feedback, including a series of workshops, was developed to engage 40 young people between 14-22 years old to learn about climate change and provide their view on measures that should be implemented to strengthen climate action in Uruguay.

The mitigation and adaptation measures of the second NDC was developed while taking into account cross-cutting aspects such as gender, generations and capacity-building. An intersectional approach incorporating gender perspective was used  to analyze the potential impact to respond to inequalities in the mitigation and adaptation measures agreed to.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

For monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions, Uruguay is migrating to a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework, which is an emerging trend at the international level. The advantage of this framework is that besides allowing the monitoring of the management of adaptation actions, it also allows assessing, adjusting and adapting methodological processes to improve the development of strategies and actions to reduce vulnerability, increase adaptive capacities and resilience of socio-ecological systems and reduce losses and damages. This framework will continue the on-going efforts to achieve a gender-responsive monitoring system.

No mention of means of implementation.

Summary of gender reference 

In 2021, the National Gender and Climate Change Plan for 2021-2024 was approved within the framework of the National Climate Change and Variability Response System (SNRCC). This plan defines how gender is integrated in the NDC, especially with regard to gender equality in the measures included in this second NDC. The inclusion of gender is evident in this second NDC compared to the first NDC. The inclusions are as follow:


The implementation of the second NDC is guided by the respect and safeguarding of human rights and the preservation of ecosystems, with a perspective of inclusion, intra- and intergenerational equity, gender from an intersectional approach, and including a just transition.

A gender perspective is considered in a cross-cutting manner in the national adaptation planning strategy on priority areas for climate vulnerability, for example, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for the Coastal Zone to Climate Variability and Change (PNA-Coasts) and National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change in Cities and Infrastructure (PNA-Cities). A Gender Working Group was established to contribute to the development of adaptation actions.

Capacity building measures with gender commitments include: (i) By 2030, the technical capacities on gender and climate change of at least 80% of the gender mechanisms of the three levels of government will be strengthened, and (ii) By 2030, the gender policy for the agricultural sector will include climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

Analysis of Original NDC



Relevant context 

Uruguay is a relatively small country with a territory and economy highly vulnerable to climate change. Uruguay’s emissions profile is strongly marked by carbon dioxide emissions related to the energy sector, including transportation, and methane emissions related to the agriculture sector, in particular beef production.

Process for developing NDC 

For Uruguay, the NDC serves as an implementation instrument of the National Climate Change Policy. This first NDC was developed under the National Climate Change and Variability Response System (SNRCC) and took into consideration inputs from public consultation that happened between 24 August and 24 September 2017. The SNRCC comprised the Coordination Group and Advisory Commission, which include various line ministries and national institutions as well as academia, civil society and the private sector.

This first NDC was developed in accordance with Uruguay’s national laws, including laws on citizen participation, and international commitments (e.g., 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

By 2020, a monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation measures will be developed for the  ‘coastal zone.’ ‘Coastal zone’ is one of the 11 main sector priorities identified by Uruguay for measures for adaptation. For the other 10 main priorities, there is no mention of any monitoring and evaluation system or a comprehensive MRV system.

For mitigation measures, there is no specific mention of any mechanism for monitoring and evaluation. However, the NDC did provide information such as methodology for estimating emissions and removals, definition of target year and data sources, and definition of values and base year to facilitate monitoring, reporting and verification of Uruguay’s NDC mitigation targets.

Summary of gender reference 

There is only one reference to ‘gender’. Gender is mentioned in ‘plans and measures for adaptation,’ that by 2025 Uruguay will have geo-referenced information on social vulnerability associated with adverse climate events, incorporating human rights and a gender approach.


Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

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Uruguay Submission: Inputs on progress, challenges, gaps, and priorities in implementing the gender action plan, categorized by deliverable or output for each activity under the gender action plan, and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate






Uruguay. (2024). Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2. UNFCCC Submission.

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Solano, N. F.J. Fernández-Rivera Melo. 2021. Mapeo de iniciativas sobre igualdad de género en la pesca, acuacultura y conservación marina en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C.

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Réseau mondial de PNA & CCNUCC. (2019). Boîte à outils pour un processus d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de plans nationaux d’adaptation (PNA) qui répond aux questions de genre. Dazé, A., et Church, C. (auteurs principaux). Winnipeg : Institut international du développement durable. Récupéré de

Juego de herramientas para un proceso de formulación e implementación de planes nacionales de adaptación (PNAD) con perspectiva de género





Red Global del PNAD y CMNUCC (2019). Juego de herramientas para un proceso de formulación e implementación de Planes Nacionales de Adaptación (PNAD) con perspectiva de género. Dazé, A. y Church, C. (autores principales). Winnipeg: Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Plan Nacional de Adaptación a la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario de Uruguay





Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca y Grupo de Coordinación del Sistema Nacional de Respuesta al Cambio Climático y Variabilidad. (2019). Plan Nacional de Adaptación a la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario de Uruguay

Toolkit for a Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)






NAP Global Network & UNFCCC. (2019). Toolkit for a gender-responsive process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Dazé, A., and Church, C. (lead authors). Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

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