Mujeres: líderes contra el cambio climático
La desigualdad exacerba el impacto del cambio climático a nivel individual y comunitario, resaltando a las mujeres y niñas.
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La desigualdad exacerba el impacto del cambio climático a nivel individual y comunitario, resaltando a las mujeres y niñas.
The climate crisis is underscoring pre-existing global inequities, including those caused by gender.
Senate President urged women leaders to prioritize climate change adaptation and disaster risk management.
Women’s participation in spaces of power is the need of the hour to solve the current climate crisis.
A two-day national workshop to develop strategies for dealing with climate change impact on women began in Dhaka.
Despite progressive laws protecting their rights on paper, transgender people in Pakistan are overlooked in disaster responses.
En esta conferencia se abordaron los desafíos para aumentar la inclusión y el empoderamiento de la mujer.
Women must have access to healthcare and their health needs must be taken into account in adapting to climate change.
Women are often left behind and face increased health and safety risks due to the unequal burden of domestic care.
Indigenous women use drones, scientific data, and the replanting of mangroves to slow the progression of rising seas in Guyana.
Ce 1er Forum international des femmes pour la paix et la démocratie comprenait des sujets tels que le changement climatique.
...there cannot be climate justice without gender justice. Climate change action must address gender inequality.
El clima extremo puede provocar que exista mayor mortalidad materna, matrimonios infantiles, y limitaciones a servicios.
The energy expert Kadija Simboro has been invited as a speaker at the 23rd Gender Summit in Accra, Ghana
While the latest UN climate treaty talks continue in Bonn, Germany, two campaigners argue in a new op-ed that inclusion of diver
Abu Dhabi expert panel emphasises the importance of female leadership in climate negotiations
Scientists are advocating to achieve gender parity in ocean-related sectors and the blue economy across the Commonwealth
Le 22 et 23 juin à Paris, au Sommet pour un nouveau Pacte financier mondial, l’égalité de genre est un objectif incontournable
Solar-powered devices have not only made housework easier, but allowed women to win a degree of financial independence
A deep dive into the lives of women affected by domestic violence in the immediate aftermath of extreme weather events
the huger gap between men and women gets even wider because of pandemics and climate change
Nueva cartera por abordar problemáticas como desigualdades causadas por el cambio climático y desigualdad de género.
Chile colocó un nuevo bono vinculado a la sostenibilidad y a la igualdad de género por 2.250 millones de dólares
Costa Rica firmó un decreto para brindar herramientas a las mujeres frente a los desafíos que presenta el cambio climático
Féminisation du secteur de l’énergie: une transition énergétique à travers le prisme féminin
Intensified efforts in Tanzania to remove barriers thwarting women's empowerment in agriculture
Governments must give women more access to inputs, education, and capital.
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