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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC

2022 - 2030

Relevant context 

Haiti is located in the heart of the Caribbean, sharing the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, and occupying the western third. Haiti is geographically situated in the preferred path of cyclones and frequently affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and droughts. Climate change exacerbates this country’s vulnerability and causes major losses and damages to its population and economy. The frequent onslaught of these climate-related disasters made it exceptionally difficult for this LDC and SIDS country to recover and build back from a devastating hurricane in 2010.

This updated NDC presents a slightly higher ambition for net GHG emissions reduction compared to the 2015 first NDC, that is 32% vs. 31%.

Process for developing NDC 

The Ministry of Environment coordinated the process for preparing this updated NDC. This updated NDC serves as a planning tool and a commitment document in line with the National Climate Change Policy 2019. The process comprised three major stages. In the preliminary stage, experts and a team from the Ministry of Environment began discussions regarding the drafting of this document while taking into account the in-depth analysis of the implementation of the first NDC, particularly the lessons learned and gaps identified. Next, the consultation phase included video conferences/presentation meetings and regional workshops. These events incorporated an inclusive and participatory process which enabled stakeholders to genuinely take ownership and contribute to the collective work of the development of this NDC in the midst of COVID19, political instability, and an earthquake. The stakeholders targeted were state representatives, civil society (NGOs, CBOs), the private sector, and partners from international cooperation agencies. The final stage was the formulation and validation stage where the final document was drafted, followed by a feedback process that included consultations with stakeholders. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to provide their inputs on the relevance of the adaptation and mitigation measures proposed, and on the ways and means of implementing and evaluating these measures.

Also, an analysis and assessment of the economic and social benefits for the targeted sectors was conducted to gauge the importance and relevance of the proposed adaptation and mitigation measures in this updated NDC. The finalized adaptation and mitigation measures were matched to the relevant SDGs.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The National Climate Change Committee (CNCC) is responsible for the implementation of this updated NDC. This committee consists of representatives from the sectoral ministries, local authorities, civil society, academe and the private sector. Concurrent with the implementation of this NDC, the National Low Carbon Development Strategy and National Capacity Building Strategy will be developed and implemented.

The strategies and mechanisms for monitoring the implementation and compliance of the adaptation and mitigation measures will be established by the said entities. Similarly, a system for measuring, reporting and verifying (MRV) the adaptation and mitigation measures that will be implemented under this NDC is being developed. This MRV system will have “specific, measurable, realistic, relevant and time-bound” indicators that will provide information regarding the progress of the implementation of this updated NDC, especially in terms of financial flows, state of natural resources and socio-economic conditions.

This updated NDC’s estimated budget, besides taking into account adaptation and mitigation, includes loss and damage. For the implementation through 2030, the Government of Haiti stipulated a US$13 billion budget for adaptation, US$4,056 billion for mitigation, and US$4,98 billion for loss and damage. Apart from public funds, this NDC remarks on the need for private sector contribution. Potential contributors identified in the first NDC remain valid (e.g., the Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Global Environment Facility, bilateral cooperation agencies, and multilateral development banks).

A financial strategy for this updated NDC will be developed and implemented. This strategy will include the private sector’s contribution and mechanisms related to the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.



Summary of gender reference 

The participation of women and girls in the design of this updated NDC was prioritized. They were involved in the consultation workshops as well as the decision-making process during the development of the adaptation and mitigation measures in order to ensure that the measures would have a gendered positive impact on their lives  and contribute to their empowerment.

Compared to the first NDC, this updated NDC has a specific section on gender, titled “Gender Mainstreaming at CDN”. This signifies the Government of Haiti’s commitment to gender inclusion in their national planning system and sustainable development process. All the mitigation measures planned based on the prioritized sectors were linked with SDG 5 (Gender Equality), except for the agriculture sector.

A critical analysis of gender mainstreaming in national climate change policy, including the first NDC, was carried out. The findings revealed gaps with regard to the inclusion of gender-related concerns in national policies and climate action. As such, this updated NDC emphasizes the following actions: (i) promote initiatives that address the specific needs of women and girls, (ii) establish a working group on gender and climate change, (iii) have a minimum of one gender focal point on the CNCC, (iv) enhance girls’ and women’s access to information on climate change technologies, (v) involve gender experts in the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation framework, (vi) generate and disclose gender-specific data, and (vii) support gender mainstreaming in the national development planning process, especially in terms of allocation of financial resources.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC


2016-2030 (2000 base year)

Relevant context 

This Small Island Developing State (SIDS) in the Caribbean region is the only country in the Americas that belongs to the group of LDCs (Least Developed Countries). Haiti is very vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, exacerbated by the severe environmental degradation and low response capacity of the country. Extreme weather events (hurricanes, droughts, floods) hinder the country's development efforts. As a result, Haiti's priority is climate change adaptation and response to loss and damage.

Process for developing NDC 

The development of Haiti's NDCs stems from a broad consensus between the public authorities, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved. Many stakeholders have thus contributed to the development of the NDCs, which adequately respond to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and are in line with Haiti's strategic development plan (PSDH), National Action for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) and the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

Regarding the implementation of the NDC, the Haitian Prime Minister will affirm his leadership on the issue, and coordination will be provided by the Ministry of the Environment, in close and continuous collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (CNCC) to be set up. This Committee will be made up of representatives of line ministries, local authorities, civil society and the private sector.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The Committee will be responsible for providing oversight, monitoring and reporting on the country's commitment to agreed activities.

Summary of gender reference 

Women are taken into account in the implementation phase: gender will need to be mainstreamed throughout the NDC implementation process.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

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Related Resources

Haiti Experiences with the NAPA Process





United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2020). Haiti Experiences with the NAPA Process.

Study of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Women and Men of the Caribbean






Inter-American Development Bank: Value for Women. (2020, December). Study of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Women and Men of the Caribbean. Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience Countries. Inter-American Development Bank.

HAITI: Programme pour la généralisation de l’analyse selon le Genre dans les efforts de lutte contre les changements climatiques en Haïti





Ministry of Environment, Haiti, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, IUCN, & Global Gender and Climate Alliance. (2011, July). HAITI: Programme pour la généralisation de l’analyse selon le Genre dans les efforts de lutte contre les changements climatiques en Haïti. IUCN.

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