Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change work programme

Decision 17/CP.19

Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change work programme


Gender reference

Recalls decision 1/CP.16 which states that adaptation must be gender-sensitive.

Recognizes the importance of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices, and gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation to climate change and decides that activities under the Nairobi work programme should integrate gender issues, indigenous and traditional knowledge, and the role of and impacts on ecosystems.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling 2/CP.11, 1/CP.16 and 6/CP.17,

Recognizing the evolving scientific and technical information and knowledge needs related to impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change,

Also recognizing the importance of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices, and gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation to climate change,

Noting the need to build on the experiences gained, partnerships built and knowledge generated during the implementation of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change to date,

Welcoming the report of the Adaptation Committee,

1. Decides to continue the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change within the framework of the provisions of decision 2/CP.11, addressing the knowledge needs arising from, inter alia, the Cancun Adaptation Framework and other relevant workstreams and bodies under the Convention and the knowledge needs identified by Parties;

2. Also decides that the relevance of the Nairobi work programme should be enhanced, on the basis of, inter alia:

(a) Activities that build upon each other and are linked to issues that are practical and that engage adaptation practitioners;

(b) The development of linkages with other relevant workstreams, including the national adaptation plan process, research and systematic observation and bodies under the Convention, including the Adaptation Committee, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group and the Technology Mechanism;

(c) The development of knowledge products to improve the understanding and assessment of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in response to needs identified by Parties;

(d) Support for the effective dissemination of knowledge products at the regional, national and subnational levels through, inter alia, knowledge networks and national focal points, particularly in developing countries;

3. Recognizes that the effectiveness of the modalities of the Nairobi work programme should be enhanced, including through:

(a) The improvement of the relevance and dissemination of knowledge products under the Nairobi work programme to inform adaptation planning and actions at the regional, national and subnational levels;

(b) Improved approaches to engaging and collaborating with Nairobi work programme partner organizations, adaptation practitioners and experts, including regional centres and networks, to better inform adaptation planning and actions at the regional, national and subnational levels;

(c) The further development of the Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum;

4. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to consider, at its fortieth session (June 2014), ways to enhance the effectiveness of the modalities described in paragraph 3 above;

5. Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to consider, inter alia, the following issues:

(a) Ecosystems;

(b) Human settlements;

(c) Water resources;

(d) Health;

6. Further requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, at its forty-first session (December 2014), to further discuss issues, as appropriate, for consideration under the Nairobi work programme;

7. Decides that activities under the Nairobi work programme should integrate gender issues, indigenous and traditional knowledge, and the role of and impacts on ecosystems;

8. Encourages Parties, Nairobi work programme partner organizations and adaptation practitioners to support the effective implementation of the Nairobi work programme by increasing collaboration with regional centres and networks, in particular those in developing countries, that provide and disseminate information and knowledge at the regional and national levels;

9. Also encourages Nairobi work programme partner organizations to support the effective implementation of the Nairobi work programme by reporting on the actions and outcomes associated with the fulfilment of action pledges and addressing calls for action;

10. Invites the Adaptation Committee, in accordance with its mandate and functions, to provide further recommendations for activities to be undertaken under the Nairobi work programme;

11. Urges developed country Parties to provide support, including financial support, for the implementation of the Nairobi work programme;

12. Invites other Parties, organizations, agencies and Nairobi work programme partner organizations to provide support for the implementation of the Nairobi work programme, as appropriate;

13. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice:

(a) To consider and further elaborate additional activities, including the timing of such activities in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme, at its fortieth session;

(b) To take stock of progress in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme and to further elaborate additional activities, including the timing of such activities, at its forty-fourth session (May 2016);

(c) To review the Nairobi work programme at its forty-eighth session, with a view to further improving its relevance and effectiveness, and to report to the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-fourth session. 

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