Annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2022

Decision 19/CP.27

Annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2022


Gender reference

7. Further welcomes the continued collaboration of the Paris Committee on Capacity- building with Parties and non-Party stakeholders on capacity-building for climate action, as well as on addressing cross-cutting issues, including human rights, gender responsiveness, youth, Action for Climate Empowerment and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, such as through the PCCB Network, the informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the Durban Forum on capacity-building, the Capacity- building Hub and social media outreach;

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,
decisions 2/CP.17, 1/CP.21, 2/CP.22, 16/CP.22, 16/CP.23, 15/CP.24, 8/CP.25 and 12/CP.26,

1. Welcomes the annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2022 and takes note of the recommendations therein;

2. Invites Parties, as appropriate, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consider the recommendations referred to in paragraph 1 above and to take any necessary action, as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates;

3. Acknowledges the progress of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in delivering on its mandate to address gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities under the Convention;

4. Also acknowledges the progress of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in implementing its workplan for 2021–2024 on the basis of the priority areas and activities set out in the annex to decision 9/CP.25;

5. Welcomes the new monitoring and evaluation framework of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, as well as the findings from the monitoring and evaluation of the outputs, outcomes, and impact and effectiveness of its workplan activities between September 2021 and July 2022;

6. Also welcomes the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in relation to enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities under the Convention, including its collaboration with constituted bodies and other stakeholders in this regard;

7. Further welcomes the continued collaboration of the Paris Committee on Capacity- building with Parties and non-Party stakeholders on capacity-building for climate action, as well as on addressing cross-cutting issues, including human rights, gender responsiveness, youth, Action for Climate Empowerment and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, such as through the PCCB Network, the informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the Durban Forum on capacity-building, the Capacity- building Hub and social media outreach;

8. Takes note of the 2023 focus area of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building of capacity-building support for adaptation, with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to formulating and implementing national adaptation plans;

9. Notes that capacity gaps and needs still exist in developing countries pertaining to the implementation of the Convention;

10. Invites Parties and relevant institutions, as appropriate, to provide support and resources to the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for implementing its workplan for 2021–2024 in the light of the aim of the Committee established in decision 1/CP.21.

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