Les femmes des pays des Grands Lacs s'engagent pour une économie plus verte
Rencontre de la plateforme des villes francophones sur l’égalité et le changement climatique
Welcome To The
Gender Climate Tracker
About the Gender Climate Tracker
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Gender Mandates
in Climate Policy
Women's participation statistics in climate diplomacy
Country Profiles
Rencontre de la plateforme des villes francophones sur l’égalité et le changement climatique
The studies will focus on gender, climate and conflict analysis, and market assessments of micro-business opportunities.
Having more women climate scientists could allow for an increased emphasis on understanding and providing solutions.
"Sin territorio no hay buen vivir, sin territorio no hay selva viviente y, sin territorio, no hay vida."
One researcher explains what's at stake for women if there is not a systemic and cultural shift in tackling climate change.
Brief from UNFPA & collaborators shows imbalance in power relations and roles diminishes the ability of women & girls to adapt.
Webinaire IPAO: Quelle Place des femmes dans le financement de l'adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique de l'ouest?
"There is no better cause than the cause for the environment and human rights," says one featured activist, Hasminah D. Paudac.
If we don’t listen women's and LGBTQ+ communities needs, the solutions wont address how climate change uniquely impacts them
"Los pozos se secan, los cultivos y el ganado se muere, y alrededor de 3.000 personas reciben agua en camiones aljibe"
Pueblo Siona en Puerto Asís, Putumayo, se ha convertido en territorio de disputa debido a la entrada de empresas extrativistas
Los efectos del cambio climático se viven de forma diferenciada entre mujeres y hombres ¡CSW 66, lo confirma!
Minister for Women, Children and Senior Citizens says climate change and gender equality are big challenges, solidarity key.
la prise en compte effective du genre et de l’inclusion dans nos différentes interventions en Afrique s’avère nécessaire
Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities organized a 3-day conference on Gender and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
Es esencial construir las condiciones para garantizar el acceso a la tierra a mujeres y niñas de forma legal.
Le projet a ciblé l’amélioration des capacités de 650 femmes pêcheuses sur les pratiques de gestion durable de la pêche.
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection calls for recognition and advancement of gender equality in climate change.
Youth Women Leaders are leading the call to challenge political leaders' inaction on climate change.
The Breadfruit Collective was founded by Christine Samwaroo who says she was inspired by her own past experiences.
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