This Earth Day, Let’s Talk About the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change in South Asia
Women,girls, and persons of minority genders face a “threat multiplier” that exacerbates these adverse impacts of climate change
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Women,girls, and persons of minority genders face a “threat multiplier” that exacerbates these adverse impacts of climate change
One researcher explains what's at stake for women if there is not a systemic and cultural shift in tackling climate change.
Women from the Global South battled for gender equality and climate justice at the UN’s annual Commission on the Status of Women
The studies will focus on gender, climate and conflict analysis, and market assessments of micro-business opportunities.
Solar Sister recruits, trains, mentors, & supports women entrepreneurs and supplies them w/ durable, affordable energy products
Cameroon has integrated gender issues into its forest investment plan after workshop w/ AfDB, CIF, & the Ministry of Environment
"Tanzania is an excellent example of the efforts to uplift women into the fisheries sector. "
Having more women climate scientists could allow for an increased emphasis on understanding and providing solutions.
A more inclusive environmental justice movement for the LGBTQ+ community, who are disproportionately affected by climate change
Brief from UNFPA & collaborators shows imbalance in power relations and roles diminishes the ability of women & girls to adapt.
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