Terms of Reference for the Intermediate Review of the Doha Work Programme on Article 6 of the Convention

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Decision 15/CP.21

Terms of Reference for the Intermediate Review of the Doha Work Programme on Article 6 of the Convention


Gender reference

Reaffirming the importance of taking into account gender aspects and the need to promote the effective engagement of children, youth, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, local communities and non-governmental organizations in activities related to Article 6 of the Convention.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling decision 15/CP.18,

Recognizing the progress made by Parties, international organizations and civil society in planning, coordinating and implementing activities relating to all the elements of Article 6 of the Convention – education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation on these matters,

Also recognizing that ensuring the availability of sufficient financial and technical resources continues to be a challenge for the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention for Parties, in particular African countries, the least developed countries and small island developing States,

Reaffirming the importance of taking into account gender aspects and the need to promote the effective engagement of children, youth, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, local communities and non-governmental organizations in activities related to Article 6 of the Convention,

Re-emphasizing the importance of building and strengthening the skills and capacities of national focal points for Article 6 of the Convention, including by continuing to facilitate a regular exchange of views, good practices and lessons learned through the organization of workshops, videoconferences and activities at the international, regional and national levels,

Recalling the invitation to multilateral and bilateral institutions and organizations, including operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, as appropriate, to provide financial support for the activities relating to the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention,

Also recalling the Lima Ministerial Declaration on Education and Awareness-raising, which stresses that education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, knowledge and international cooperation play a fundamental role in meeting the ultimate objective of the Convention and in promoting climate-resilient sustainable development,

1. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to launch the intermediate review of the implementation of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention at its forty-fourth session (May 2016) on the basis of the terms of reference contained in the annex, with a view to the review being completed by November 2016;

2. Encourages United Nations organizations, in particular the members of the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness, to submit information on the results of their activities, including reports from relevant regional and subregional workshops, as appropriate, in order to support the implementation of the Doha work programme;

3. Requests the Global Environment Facility to report on the progress made in providing financial support and implementing activities to contribute to the implementation of the Doha work programme;

4. Invites multilateral and bilateral institutions and organizations, the private sector and donors to report on financial resources provided to support the activities relating to the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention;

5. Requests the secretariat:

  • (a) To prepare a report on the progress made, as well as emerging gaps, needs and recommendations by Parties, admitted observer organizations and other stakeholders in implementing the Doha work programme as input to the intermediate review, as specified in paragraph 5 of the terms of reference contained in the annex, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its forty-fourth session;
  • (b) To continue facilitating a regular exchange of views, good practices and lessons learned among national focal points for Article 6 of the Convention;
  • (c) To continue collaborating with admitted observer organizations and other stakeholders and the members of the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness so as to catalyse action on Article 6 of the Convention;

6. Also requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources.



    Terms of reference for the intermediate review of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention

    1. Mandate
      1. At its eighteenth session, the Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted the eight-year Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention and decided that it would be reviewed in 2020, with an intermediate review of progress in 2016, to evaluate its effectiveness, identify any emerging gaps and needs, and inform any decisions on improving the effectiveness of the work programme, as appropriate.
      2. By the same decision, the COP requested the secretariat to prepare reports on the progress made by Parties in implementing Article 6 of the Convention based on information contained in national communications, reports on the annual in-session

    Dialogue on Article 6 and other sources of information, including a report on good practices of stakeholder participation in implementing Article 6 activities. These reports will be issued regularly and in particular for the intermediate progress review in 2016 and the review in 2020.

    1. Objectives
      1. With a view to encouraging improvement based on experience, the objectives of the intermediate review of the progress made in the implementation of the Doha work programme are:
        1. To take stock of the progress made in the implementation of the Doha work programme to date, noting that this work is still ongoing;
        2. To take stock of progress in the integration of Article 6 activities into existing climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes, strategies and activities;
        3. To identify essential needs for, potential gaps in and barriers to the implementation of the Doha work programme;
        4. To identify good practices and lessons learned with a view to their dissemination, promotion and replication, as appropriate;
        5. To identify recommendations on further steps for improving the effective implementation of the Doha work programme.
    2. Information sources
      1. Information for the intermediate review of the implementation of the Doha work programme should be drawn from, inter alia:

          a. Reports on the annual in-session Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention;

    1. A report on good practices of stakeholder participation in implementing Article 6 of the Convention;
    2. Submissions from Parties, admitted observer organizations and other stakeholders made in response to an invitation by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at its forty-second session, containing information on steps taken to implement the Doha work programme, such as efforts to consider the linkages between Article 6 activities, implementation of policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and on emerging gaps and needs, as well as recommendations on further steps for improving the effective implementation of the Doha work programme;
    3. Relevant conclusions adopted at SBI 40,4 including the annex to document FCCC/SBI/2014/L.20;
    4. National communications and other relevant national reports;
    5. Relevant information and resource materials from United Nations organizations, in particular the members of the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness;
    6. Reports and submissions from the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention and its implementing agencies on financial support provided and activities implemented to contribute to the implementation of the Doha work programme;
    7. Reports and submissions from multilateral and bilateral institutions and organizations, the private sector and donors on financial resources provided to support the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention.

    IV.      Modalities of review and expected outcomes

    1. Drawing upon the information sources listed in paragraph 4 above, the secretariat will prepare for consideration at SBI 44 (May 2016):
      1. A synthesis report on the progress made by Parties, admitted observer organizations and other stakeholders in implementing the Doha work programme;
      2. A report on the functionality and accessibility of the information network clearing house CC:iNet.
    2. SBI 44 will consider the documents referred to in paragraph 5 above and any other information relevant to the completion of the intermediate review, including the information referred to in paragraph 4 above, with a view to recommending a draft decision on this matter for consideration and adoption at COP 22 (November 2016).

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