521 - 540 of 946

Ancestral Know-How and Innovative Technologies Help Women Producers of Salt and Rice Preserve the Mangroves

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Women and Gender Constituency. (2019). Ancestral Know-How and Innovative Technologies Help Women Producers of Salt and Rice Preserve the Mangroves. http://womengenderclimate.org/gjc_solutions/ancestral-know-how-and-innovative-technologies-help-women-producers-of-salt-and-rice-preserve-the-mangroves/.

Boîte à Outils Pour Un Processus D’Elaboration et de Mise En Oeuvre de Plans Nationaux D’Adaptation (PNA) Qui Répond aux Questions de Genre

Año de publicacion 




Réseau mondial de PNA & CCNUCC. (2019). Boîte à outils pour un processus d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de plans nationaux d’adaptation (PNA) qui répond aux questions de genre. Dazé, A., et Church, C. (auteurs principaux). Winnipeg : Institut international du développement durable. Récupéré de www.napglobalnetwork.org

Canada’s Submission to the Adaptation Committee Seeking Views on How to Mainstream Gender Considerations Into Adaptation Planning and Implementation


Año de publicacion 




Canada. (2019). Canada’s Submission to the Adaptation Committee seeking views on how to mainstream gender considerations into adaptation planning and implementation. UNFCCC Submission in Response to the Mandate included in the workplan of the Adaptation Committee for the years 2019-2021.


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