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North Macedonia

New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC

April 4, 2021 to December 31, 2030

Relevant context 

Developing European country

Process for developing NDC 

The enhanced NDC was informed by engagements with national and international experts, as well as stakeholders from government, business and industry associations, environmental NGOs and youth groups, academic institutions, and donor organizations. Of the 49 international and national experts tasked to conduct analytical and technical work, 25 were women. In addition, 403 individual women also participated in the discussions of the data and validation of the document.

Through robust consultations between stakeholders, potential mitigation policies and measures (PAMs) were identified and prioritized, assumptions used for modeling these PAMs were validated and directions for future mitigation scenarios were jointly developed.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The NDC mitigation targets will be realized through sixty-three Policies and Measures (PAMs) covering the sectors of energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste and other enablers of mitigation actions. The social and economic aspects of these PAMs have also been considered.

Summary of gender reference 

Gender is considered among the social aspects of the PAMs. Several PAMs were analyzed using a gender lens, and analysis found that a gender-disaggregated approach would greatly improve their implementation. In an effort to make the enhanced NDC gender-responsive, several PAMs were redesigned and strengthened by the inclusion of gender indicators. The cited example involved the redesign of a subsidy model for efficient heating technology, where the previous "first come first served" approach was replaced by a more gender-informed approach. The integration of gender-informed indicators into PAMs is reiterated throughout the document.

The enhanced NDC also cites the ongoing UNDP Climate Promise project, which aims to support its eventual implementation. In this regard, follow up activities include establishing engagements with the “UNFCCC Gender Focal Points, Gender Machinery and Parliamentarian Commission on Equal Opportunities to promote leadership roles for women in climate action.”

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

Analysis of Original NDC


Now until 2030

Relevant context 

Non-Annex 1 country.

Process for developing NDC 

The process for determining the Macedonian NDC was led by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MOEPP), as the national institution responsible for climate change policies and national contact point for UNFCCC. The National Climate Change Committee (NCCC) and the Technical Working Group at the National Sustainable Development Council were also part of this process, as well as other key stakeholders--the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Transport and Communication as institutions which are responsible for policies in the target sectors, representatives of the business community, civil society organizations and the academic community. Also, the international institutions and donors in the country had important role.The analysis and the technical component of the process were carried out by an expert team which included the team of the Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, one national expert and one international expert

Consultations took place at technical meetings (with senior representatives of line ministries and appointed contact persons) and at topical workshops with all stakeholders. Workshops were held on the following topics:

  • Identification and validation of possible mitigation policies and measures in the target sectors in agreement with the sector policies and planning documents, as well as with the European Policy on Climate and Energy
  • Discussion about and validation of the assumptions used for the modelling of the identified policies and measures in line with the sector policies and planning documents as well as with the European Policy on Climate and Energy
  • Prioritization of identified measures and providing directions for development of mitigation scenarios with existing and with additional measures.
Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Reference to women/gender

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