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Analysis of Original NDC


Now until 2030

Relevant context 

Small developing country.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

National Committee on Climate Change is mandated to monitor the progress in the implementation of the Climate Change Policy on the national level and thus the NDC. A large share of the objectives of the Policy will be implemented through sector strategies under the responsibility of the sector’s ministries. Their progress will be monitored by each involved sector on the basis of the specific monitoring framework adopted in the respective sector’s policies and strategies.

Summary of gender reference 

As part of Jordan’s socio-economic adaptation strategy, it highlights that its current climate change policy and the activities led by the Ministry of Social Development and its partners addresses the impact of climate change on socio-economic development, particularly of vulnerable groups (mainly the poor and women with emphasis on those living in rural areas). It notes, ‘though gender issues are still under-investigated in Jordan, the role of women in economy of rural areas is known to be substantial. Women in these areas are traditionally responsible for the household economy and are active in field work as well. Any negative impact of climate change will be most sensed by women. Women make crucial contributions in agriculture and rural enterprises in drylands as farmers, animal husbandry, workers and entrepreneurs through their indigenous knowledge. Thus Jordan is committed to the following climate change strategic objectives and actions as related to sustainable development-oriented socio-economic adaptation with emphasis on vulnerable groups and gender mainstreaming.

For post-2020 actions, Jordan proposes to:

  • Integrate gender considerations and the interest of vulnerable group in climate change policies and strategies in all relevant sectors particularly in national strategy for social development, poverty eradication, childhood and early childhood development in Jordan and develop, compile and share practical tools, information and methodologies to facilitate the integration of gender into policy and programming;
  • Ensure that financing mechanisms on mitigation and adaptation address the needs and conditions for implementation of poor women and men equally
  • Build capacity at all levels to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies, strategies and programmes.
  • Ensure that sector ministries will adopt the Action Plans suggested by the Program for Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan; the action plans specified the objectives, the actions and the indicators required. MoEnv and NCCC to monitor and encourage implementation.
  • Align Jordan’s NDC to SDGs, with special attention on linking the mitigation and adaptation measures to SDGs 1-5, including gender equality goal.
Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
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NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

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