Gender and Climate Justice: Why We Need More Women in Leadership in Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, there is growing research pointing to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women.
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Country Profiles
In Hong Kong, there is growing research pointing to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women.
The African Risk Capacity (ARC) and UN Women have called for concrete action to strengthen African women and girls’ leadership
Sherry says engagement with the UK will provide support to Pakistan in several areas
Governments must move beyond empty promises and towards accountability to address climate change
En este artículo podemos encontrar tres proyectos liderados por mujeres que están cambiando a Latinoamérica.
Es necesaria la implementación de políticas públicas ambientales que permitan que las mujeres sean parte de la conversación.
People in South Asia, who have contributed the least to worldwide emissions, are on the frontlines of the climate crisis
The are many ways and forms to think and live the "ecofeminism", lest rethink and use this concept for a more equal world.
une douzaine de résidents d’Iqaluit ont brandi pancartes pour attirer l’attention de leurs dirigeants sur l’urgence climatique.
A small reminder of some of the many women who have contributed to science and environmental care.
This Earth Day, we are highlighting stories of refugee women across the world.
Solar Sister recruits, trains, mentors, & supports women entrepreneurs and supplies them w/ durable, affordable energy products
Women,girls, and persons of minority genders face a “threat multiplier” that exacerbates these adverse impacts of climate change
“Es urgente que se revise el Mecanismo de protección, y que nosotras como ambientalistas construyamos redes y nos organicemos”
Ciudadanas de Ecatepec retoman el control y cuidado de 96 pozos de agua potable. ¡Arriba el monitoreo ciudadano!
Cameroon has integrated gender issues into its forest investment plan after workshop w/ AfDB, CIF, & the Ministry of Environment
Women from the Global South battled for gender equality and climate justice at the UN’s annual Commission on the Status of Women
Les participants ont adopté un plan d’action genre, un plan de financement et un cadre de suivi
“El vivir bien no es una utopía: no solo es cuestionar los privilegios, sino destruirlos”
The studies will focus on gender, climate and conflict analysis, and market assessments of micro-business opportunities.
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