Women and Climate Change in Solomon Islands
Women are caught between their traditional social responsibilities and the increasing impact of climate change.
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Gender Climate Tracker
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Gender Mandates
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Women's participation statistics in climate diplomacy
Country Profiles
Women are caught between their traditional social responsibilities and the increasing impact of climate change.
We are missing important ways gender impacts people’s experiences with climate change.
La présidente de la COP 21 veut que des actions soient prises par tous les pays en faveur des femmes.
“Sans les femmes, il est impossible de réaliser l'objectif des 1,5 degrés”, affirme Ségolène Royal, présidente de la COP21.
Advancements in gender equality could have a profoundly positive impact on social and environmental well-being.
A powerful pair working together in Lao PDR, minimising food insecurity by reducing gender inequality.
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