Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund

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Decision 6/CP.28

Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund


Gender reference

14. Encourages the Board to continue to implement the Green Climate Fund updated gender policy and gender action plan;

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling decision 3/CP.17, annex,


4. Encourages further pledges and contributions to the second replenishment of the Green Climate Fund;

5. Also encourages pledges to the Green Climate Fund to be confirmed in the form of fully executed contribution agreements or arrangements as soon as possible;

6. Recognizes the Green Climate Fund’s role in promoting the participation of private sector actors in developing countries, in particular local actors, including small and mediumsized enterprises and local financial intermediaries, and in supporting activities to enable private sector involvement in the least developed countries and small island developing States;

7. Takes note of the outcomes of the Green Climate Fund regional presence study7 and urges the Board to expedite the finalization of its consideration of options for establishing Green Climate Fund regional presence, as outlined in the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund 2024–2027;

8. Encourages the Board to continue to support the formulation of national adaptation plans and other adaptation planning processes in line with the 2024–2027 strategy for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme;

9. Requests the Board to continue its consideration, with a view to approving policy proposals, to support results-based payments for activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70, consistent with the provisions in paragraphs 35 and 55 of the Governing Instrument for the Green Climate Fund;

10. Also requests the Board to continue to enhance coherence and complementarity of the Green Climate Fund with other relevant bilateral, regional and global funding mechanisms and institutions, wherever feasible and to the extent possible, inter alia through joint programmes, outreach, and information-sharing, thereby improving access to climate finance and lowering transaction costs for developing countries;

11. Urges the Board to conclude the updating of the accreditation framework and to address the pending accreditation matters in line with Green Climate Fund decision B.34/19;

12. Requests the Board to continue to accredit national and regional direct access entities, significantly increase direct access entity participation in Green Climate Fund programming and conclude its work on updating the accreditation framework;

13. Also requests the Board to strengthen monitoring and reporting of disbursements for, and impacts arising from, multi-country funded activities on a per country basis, where practical, in a manner consistent with the integrated results management framework;

14. Encourages the Board to continue to implement the Green Climate Fund updated gender policy and gender action plan;

15. Requests the Board to continue supporting activities relevant to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage, consistent with the Green Climate Fund’s existing investment, results framework and funding windows and structures and in line with the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund 2024–2027, and also requests the Green Climate Fund to ensure coordination and complementarity in the context of the funding arrangements14 with the fund established in paragraph 3 of decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4;

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