Report of the Adaptation Committee

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Decision 9/CP.24

Report of the Adaptation Committee


Gender reference

7. Urges Parties and non-Party stakeholders to mainstream gender considerations in all stages of their adaptation planning processes, including national adaptation plans and the implementation of adaptation action, taking into account available guidance; 

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

1. Welcomes the report of the Adaptation Committee, including the recommendations and the flexible workplan of the Committee for 2019–2021 contained therein;

2. Notes with appreciation the progress of the Adaptation Committee in implementing its 2016–2018 workplan; 

3. Welcomes the technical expert meetings on adaptation organized as part of the technical examination process on adaptation, and the technical paper on opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation planning in relation to vulnerable ecosystems, communities and groups;

4. Expresses its appreciation to the Parties and organizations that led and participated in the technical expert meetings on adaptation or organized regional technical expert meetings on adaptation in 2018;

5. Encourages Parties and organizations to build on the outcomes of the regional technical expert meetings held in 2018 when planning and implementing adaptation action and to continue to organize such meetings in 2019 with a view to enhancing adaptation action and its overall coherence;

6. Also encourages Parties to strengthen adaptation planning, including by engaging in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, taking into account linkages with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and possible co-benefits between mitigation and adaptation, and by mainstreaming adaptation in development planning;

7. Urges Parties and non-Party stakeholders to mainstream gender considerations in all stages of their adaptation planning processes, including national adaptation plans and the implementation of adaptation action, taking into account available guidance;

8. Encourages Parties to apply a participatory approach to adaptation planning and implementation so as to make use of stakeholder input, including from the private sector, civil society, indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children and youth, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations in general;

9. Also encourages Parties to take an iterative approach to adaptation planning, implementation and investment, with the long-term goal of transformational change, to ensure that adaptation is flexible, robust and not maladaptive and to allow for the integration, at least periodically, of the best available science;

10. Further encourages Parties to take into consideration and utilize, as appropriate, various approaches to adaptation planning, including community-based adaptation, ecosystem-based adaptation, livelihood and economic diversification and risk-based approaches, and to ensure that such approaches are not mutually exclusive but rather are complementary, allowing for synergy in enhancing resilience;

11. Invites relevant institutions under the Convention and non-Party stakeholders to strengthen support (financial, technical, technological and capacity-building) for adaptation planning, including for collecting climate data and information, noting the urgent need for adaptation action to address current and short- and long-term risks of climate change;

12. Also invites Parties and interested organizations to share case studies of initiatives that focus on ecosystems and adaptation planning for vulnerable communities and groups as agents of change;

13. Requests that the case studies referred to in paragraph 12 above be disseminated on the adaptation knowledge portal of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change with a view to enhancing the translation of knowledge into practice;

14. Invites Parties and relevant entities working on national adaptation goals and indicators to strengthen linkages with the monitoring systems of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 taking into account:

(a) The importance of designing adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems according to countries’ overall objectives for adaptation, and of considering the benefits and drawbacks of quantitative and qualitative indicators when developing methodologies;

(b) That although full and complete harmonization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 and the Paris Agreement may not be feasible or useful, some degree of synergy could be beneficial;

(c) That enhancing individual and institutional technical capacity for data collection and assessment of adaptation is an ongoing task for many countries, and that increased capacity could help to link data gathering and reporting systems for the three global agendas referred to in paragraph 14(b) above at the national level;

(d) That improved coordination results in a reduced reporting burden for countries and enhanced cost-effectiveness of measures that cut across the three global agendas;

(e) That subnational monitoring and evaluation programmes should be linked with national-level monitoring and evaluation systems to provide a complete picture of adaptation action;

15. Notes with concern the shortfall in the resources available to the Adaptation Committee, the need for supplementary financial resources and the estimated budgetary implications of the activities to be undertaken by the secretariat pursuant to decision 1/CP.21; 

16. Encourages Parties to make available sufficient resources for the Adaptation Committee’s successful and timely implementation of its workplan for 2019–2021;

17. Requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources. 

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