Progress in, and ways to enhance, the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention

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Decision 7/CP.16

Progress in, and ways to enhance, the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention


Gender reference

Invites Parties to enhance efforts to elaborate national strategies and action plans on Article 6 of the Convention, taking into account, inter alia, the gender perspective. Additionally, invites Parties to foster the participation of women, youth, indigenous peoples, civil society groups and relevant stakeholders in decision-making on climate change at the national level and their attendance at intergovernmental meetings, including sessions of the UNFCCC.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Article 6 of the Convention,

Also recalling decision 9/CP.13,

Reaffirming the importance of Article 6 of the Convention and the continued relevance of the amended New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention,

Acknowledging the progress made by Parties in planning, coordinating and implementing education, training and public awareness activities,

Recognizing that ensuring the availability of sufficient financial and technical resources continues to be a challenge for the adequate implementation of Article 6 of the Convention for all Parties, in particular developing countries,

Reaffirming that national, regional and subregional workshops are valuable forums for sharing experiences and lessons learned and for advancing the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention,

Welcoming the contributions of the Governments of Australia, Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States of America in support of the regional and subregional workshops organized by the secretariat in 2009 and 2010,

Reaffirming that the information network clearing house CC:iNet is a useful tool for promoting the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention,

Having considered submissions from Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and documents prepared by the secretariat to support the intermediate review of the amended New Delhi work programme,

1. Recognizes that:

(a) Parties have continued to progress and gain experience in implementing Article 6 of the Convention, including through the wide range of educational and outreach activities that they have undertaken;

(b) Article 6 related activities have been a component of a significant number of projects developed by intergovernmental, non-governmental and community-based organizations, and private- and public-sector actors;

(c) Notwithstanding the progress made with respect to the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention, many challenges remain;

2. Invites Parties, with a view to enhancing the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme:

(a) To designate a national focal point on Article 6, if Parties have not already done so, and to inform the secretariat accordingly;

(b) To foster networking, coordination and exchange of information between relevant stakeholders at the national, regional and international levels;

(c) To enhance efforts to elaborate national strategies and action plans on Article 6 of the Convention, including climate change communication strategies, taking into account, inter alia, the gender perspective;

(d) To enhance the involvement of, and create training opportunities for, groups with a key role in climate change communication and education, including journalists, teachers, youth, children and community leaders;

(e) To foster the participation of women, youth, indigenous peoples, civil society groups and relevant stakeholders in decision-making on climate change at the national level and their attendance at intergovernmental meetings, including sessions of the Conference of the Parties, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the subsidiary bodies;

(f) To improve reporting on education, training and public awareness activities through national communications;

(g) To improve public access to information on, and public awareness of, adaptation and mitigation;

(h) To support formal education in schools and institutions at all levels, nonformal and informal education on climate change and the development of educational and public awareness materials according to national circumstances and cultural context;

3. Also invites all Parties and international organizations to enhance support to the national focal points on Article 6 of developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, through the provision of information, materials, training of trainers programmes and regional and national projects on topics relating to education, training and public awareness;

4. Further invites Parties in a position to do so and international organizations and bilateral and multilateral agencies to continue to support the convening of regional, subregional and national workshops focusing on specific elements of Article 6 of the Convention, and the maintenance and further development of the information network clearing house CC:iNet;

5. Urges the Global Environment Facility, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention, to increase access to funding for Article 6 related activities;

6. Encourages intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to enhance their efforts to respond to the amended New Delhi work programme and to share information on their respective activities through the information network clearing house CC:iNet and other information sources;

7. Requests the secretariat:

(a) To initiate and facilitate networking and exchange of information and good practices between national focal points on Article 6, including through the information network clearing house CC:iNet;

(b) To continue collaborating with international organizations, convention secretariats and the private sector with a view to catalysing action on education, information exchange, training and public awareness;

(c) To continue, subject to the availability of financial resources, its work on maintaining, developing and promoting the information network clearing house CC:iNet, by improving its functionality and accessibility and increasing the content in the official languages of the United Nations;

8. Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to develop, at its thirty-fourth session, terms of reference for a review of the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme, with a view to launching the review at its thirty-sixth session.

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