Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance

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Decision 5/CP.28

Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance


Gender reference

12. Welcomes accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive finance as the topic for the 2024 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance and accelerating climate action and resilience through financing for sustainable food and agricultural systems as the topic for the 2025 Forum;

16. Also encourages the Standing Committee on Finance to continue to enhance its efforts to ensure gender responsiveness in implementing its workplan and requests Parties to consider gender balance and geographical representation when nominating members to the Committee;

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Articles 4 and 11 of the Convention,

Also recalling decisions 12/CP.2, 12/CP.3, 1/CP.16, paragraph 112, 2/CP.17, paragraphs 120–121, 5/CP.18, 5/CP.19, 7/CP.19, 6/CP.20, 6/CP.21, 8/CP.22, 7/CP.23, 8/CP.23, 4/CP.24, 11/CP.25, 5/CP.26, 14/CP.27, 5/CMA.2, 10/CMA.3 and 14/CMA.4,

Taking note of decision -/CMA.5,


10. Welcomes the successful conduct of the 2023 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance on financing just transitions and notes the summary thereof;

11. Expresses gratitude to the Governments of Australia and Thailand and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific for their financial, administrative and substantive support for the 2023 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance;

12. Welcomes accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive finance as the topic for the 2024 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance and accelerating climate action and resilience through financing for sustainable food and agricultural systems as the topic for the 2025 Forum;

13. Notes with concern that the draft guidance for the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism prepared by the Standing Committee on Finance was not considered owing to a limited number of submissions and requests Parties and other constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement to provide elements for the draft guidance well in advance of future sessions of the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement to enable the Committee to fulfil its mandate in this regard;

14. Notes the self-assessment report of the Standing Committee on Finance and the technical paper by the secretariat on the second review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance and encourages the Committee to consider the opportunities for improving its efficiency and effectiveness identified therein;

15. Notes with appreciation the efforts of the Standing Committee on Finance to strengthen its engagement with stakeholders in the context of its workplan, including the constituted bodies and private entities and other entities outside the UNFCCC process, and encourages the Committee to continue such efforts in 2024, including, as appropriate, with people and communities on the front line of climate change, including Indigenous Peoples and local communities;

16. Also encourages the Standing Committee on Finance to continue to enhance its efforts to ensure gender responsiveness in implementing its workplan and requests Parties to consider gender balance and geographical representation when nominating members to the Committee;

17. Expresses appreciation to the European Union and the Governments of Japan and Switzerland for their financial contributions for the work of the Standing Committee on Finance and to the Governments of Austria, Switzerland and Thailand for hosting the meetings of the Committee in 2023;

18. Requests the Standing Committee on Finance to report to the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-ninth session on its progress in implementing its workplan for 2024;

19. Also requests the Standing Committee on Finance to consider the guidance provided to it in other relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties.

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