Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance

Decision 5/CP.26

Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance


Gender reference

26. Encourages the Standing Committee on Finance to continue to enhance its efforts towards ensuring gender-responsiveness in implementing its workplan;

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Articles 4 and 11 of the Convention,

Also recalling decisions 12/CP.2, 12/CP.3, 1/CP.16, paragraph 112, and 2/CP.17, paragraphs 120–121, 5/CP.18, 5/CP.19, 7/CP.19, 6/CP.20, 6/CP.21, 8/CP.22, 7/CP.23, 8/CP.23, 4/CP.24, 11/CP.25 and 5/CMA.2,

Taking note of decision 10/CMA.3,

1. Welcomes the 2020 and 2021 reports of the Standing Committee on Finance;


III. Report of the Standing Committee on Finance

20. Expresses its appreciation to the Governments of Belgium, Japan and Norway and to the European Commission for their financial contributions to support the work of the Standing Committee on Finance;

21. Endorses the workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance for 2022 and underlines the importance of the Standing Committee on Finance focusing its work in 2022 in accordance with its current mandates;

22. Endorses the outline of the technical report of the fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows of the Standing Committee on Finance and underscores that this report will continue to contribute to assessing the achievement of the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year by 2020 in the context of meaningful mitigation action and transparency on implementation, in accordance with decision 1/CP.16;

23. Notes the high-level summary report of the first part of the 2021 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance on finance for nature-based solutions carried out in a hybrid format on 15 and 16 October 2021 and requests the Standing Committee on Finance to organize the second part of the Forum in 2022, subject to health and safety considerations arising from the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic;

24. Notes that the Standing Committee on Finance was not able to produce draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and that it has not agreed on recommendations from the fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, and in this regard requests the Committee to improve its working modalities;

25. Notes with appreciation the efforts of the Standing Committee on Finance in enhancing engagement with stakeholders in the context of its workplan;

26. Encourages the Standing Committee on Finance to continue to enhance its efforts towards ensuring gender-responsiveness in implementing its workplan;

27. Requests the Standing Committee on Finance to report to the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-seventh session on its progress in implementing its 2022 workplan;

28. Also requests the Standing Committee on Finance to consider the guidance provided to it in other relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties.

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