The Climate-Gender-Conflict Nexus: Amplifying Women's Contributions at the Grassroots
- Dr. Jessica Smith, Lauren Olosky, and Jennifer Grosman Fernández (Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security)
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Profiles de pays
U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium convenes virtually, declaring environmental justice key for combating climate change.
Anne Désirée Ouloto fait partie aujourd’hui fait partie des 20 femmes politiques les plus influentes de Côte d’Ivoire
La nouvelle structure du ministère français de l'Environnement vise à atteindre une représentation équilibrée des femmes
Des femmes instruites entrent dans l'industrie alimentaire, ressentant à la fois un potentiel de développement et des besoins
La présidente du REFELA-Cam décline la portée socioéconomique d'une programme pour communes managées par des femmes maires
Global people's movements and women leaders have been organizing for decades for climate justice, and community-led solutions.
Globally, women-led resistance movements are effectively stopping or slowing local environmental destruction.
Goals are best met when the disparate needs of both women and men are taken into consideration to leverage positive results.
New Green Climate Fund project to strengthen Jamaica's institutional coordination and promote gender responsive climate action
"If we want to tackle the climate crisis and build a resilient future for everyone, we must be strategic and proactive."
Climate change raises the hardships of trans & queer people worldwide.
The Kenyan project will ensure 75% of women engaged in agricultural activities are sensitized on adaptability to climate change.
dire. "Il y a donc un lien à faire entre l'exploitation des femmes et celle de la nature," estime Lydie Olga Ntap
L’environnement serait mieux préservé lorsque les femmes participent aux décisions, observe une étude américaine
Marginalised sections of the urban population, particularly women, are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation
"With intersectional feminist leadership, we can get to the root cause of the climate crisis."
"The fight for representation of women in decision-making tables has become more than about sharing power–a matter of survival."
Educating young women could stop tens of billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere.
"Women and Resilient Agriculture" project launched, enabling 4,000 Senegalese farmers (60% women) to increase their resilience.
In Zambia, the Government has joined a coalition led by UNDP, FAO & WFP to help women turn goat rearing into economic fortune.
UNFPA is stepping up its game to ensure that adaptation responses are rights focused, gender sensitive and people centered.
The climate crisis has been shown to exacerbate violence against women and girls
Interview of UNEP officer of gender and climate change explores renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region
La différence de préoccupation pour l'environnement est particulièrement nette pour les comportements liés à la maison
Trentaine de femmes affronte des stéréotypes et des autorités qui sont indifférentes à l'exploitation illégale du bois
La PDG de L’Oréal, a dit que la pandémie a mis en exergue deux enjeux : l’urgence climatique et la vulnérabilité des femmes
Les femmes indigènes réclament plus de protection pour pouvoir pousuivre leur lutte pour les terres d'Amazonie
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