COP30 – How to Include the Voices of Those Most Affected by Climate Change
Voices from different communities have accused the UNFCCC's COP of historically marginalising them from this annual platform.
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Voices from different communities have accused the UNFCCC's COP of historically marginalising them from this annual platform.
The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of elderly Swiss women who said inadequate govt efforts put them at risk.
Intersectionality is central to just and effective climate action, yet there has been resistance to integrating it in the UNFCCC
This analysis explores how climate change affects women in Nigeria and examines the underlying reasons for these disparities.
At the Bonn talks, governments made little progress on gender equality while evidence shows women bear a heavy climate burden.
LWF and other faith-based organizations advocate for including women’s perspectives and concerns in climate policies and action.
Switzerland’s parliament voted on Wednesday to reject the ECHR’s ruling on the climate women's case.
The Bonn Climate Conference (SB 60) faces an important moment for gender, with the renewal of the Gender Action Plan.
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