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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC

2020 to 2030

Relevant context 

Small, Non-Annex I country in Europe

Process for developing NDC 

The updated NDC reflects the outcomes of the mitigation measures identified in the second Biennial Update Report, which were discussed with national stakeholders from 2017 to 2018. In 2020, the updated NDC draft was subjected to more rounds of consultations, which allowed for suggestions to be raised and incorporated.  Other processes mentioned include a review of national and sectoral development policies and plans, and extensive consultations with stakeholders across all government sectors, climate-related institutions and agencies, the private sector, civil society, academia and women’s associations and youth NGO representatives.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The Updated NDC cites policy documents, including the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the Action Plan for its implementation, the fourth national communication to the UNFCCC, and other national level policy documents on sectors such as forestry, energy and transport.

Summary of gender reference 

Moldova’s NDC integrates gender in several ways, primarily in the adaptation section:

  • Moldova’s medium- and long-term adaptation goal is to reach sustainable social and economic development that is resilient to the impacts of climate change by establishing a strong enabling environment for coherent and effective adaptive action, integrating climate risk into investment decision-making and business planning, while remaining socially inclusive and sensitive to the gender impacts of climate change;
  • The National Strategy on Ensuring Equality between Women and Men (2017-2021) in Moldova and the Action Plan for its implementation aim to reduce gender gaps due to social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities exacerbated by climate change;
  • Gender policy is supported by a 2006 law that ensures equal opportunities between women and men, which stipulates that in Moldova women and men enjoy equal rights and freedoms and are guaranteed equal opportunities for their exercise;
  • Gender is set out as a separate adaptation priority category with its own set of key activities;
  • There is an analysis of the gender impact of previous investments by sector and gender aspects of the implementation of past adaptation actions is assessed;
  • Included in the main systemic impediments for increased political commitment to addressing climate change adaptation is insufficient statistical data on health and wellbeing through a gender lens.
Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC



Relevant context 

Highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change.

Process for developing NDC 

No mention of process for developing NDC.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The Republic of Moldova’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy until 2020 will be implemented through an Action Plan. To assure the financial support for the activities planned in the Action Plan, such activities will be included in the sectoral strategies for mid-term expenditures and in the annual work plans of institutions involved in this Strategy implementation.

The responsibility for implementing the Strategy rests with all competent institutions identified in the Action Plan.

The National Commission for implementation of mechanisms and provisions of the UNFCCC and of the Kyoto Protocol will coordinate the implementation and will conduct regular assessment of the level of indicators and progress achievement. The main responsibility for reporting will be of the sectoral administrations, which would need to undertake annual and biennial reporting for micro- and meso-level indicators. All data would be provided to the coordination mechanism, whose secretariat could synthesize information to develop reports. The Secretariat would also provide sectoral administrations with templates and formats in order to allow for standardized tracking. Also, a database would be created to be administered by the coordination mechanism, being accessible however to all participating administrations, in order to facilitate the flow of information. In addition, micro-level reporting could be undertaken with the participation of local NGOs and associations which would participate in the implementation of targeted adaptation measures. Participation of NGOs at all levels of the M&E framework would allow for increased transparency and for broader ownership and dissemination of results.

As adaptation planning is an iterative process, gradually growing in scope and learning from the monitoring and review of on-going adaptation actions, a description of how adaptation progress will be nationally monitored, reviewed, updated, and reported can be an important element.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender

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Related Resources

Climate resilient, water protecting sanitation solution in Moldov: Gender Just Climate Solutions Honoree 2022





Women and Gender Constituency. (2022). Climate resilient, water protecting sanitation solution in Moldova. Retrieved July 10, 2023.

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