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Marshall Islands

New or Updated NDC

Analysis of New NDC

2020 to 2025, and 2025 to 2030

Relevant context 

RMI is an extremely low-elevation coral atoll nation at great risk due to the rising sea levels exacerbated by climate change.

Process for developing NDC 

RMI’s second NDC mentions “RMI’s updated NDC was developed as part of the process to produce and adopt [its] Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018” when elaborating on the NDC’s planning process.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

RMI's Climate Strategy (“Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy”) lists interventions that the country may pursue in the short to medium term to achieve a low-carbon pathway for domestic sea transportation (though it does not form part of the NDC). 

Summary of gender reference 

Key recommendations in RMI’s NDC include commitments to: 

  • A gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDCrelated planning, programming and implementation; 
  • Mainstreaming gender and human rights, including in relation to developing, adopting, reviewing and implementing laws, policies and projects related to climate change, and commissioning further analysis with a view to putting in place a strategy to improve related data collection, monitoring and evaluation; 
  • There is a section dedicated to gender and human rights, which includes the following: 
    • RMI adopted its National Gender Mainstreaming Policy in 2015. The Policy guides the development of laws, policies, procedures and practices to address the needs, priorities and aspirations of all women and men and to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequality; 
    • The priority areas of the policy are: strengthening capacity across government to integrate gender equality into government services and programs; family well-being and eliminating gender-based violence and protecting and caring for survivors; and improving women’s economic empowerment and participation in decision-making; 
    • The policy also identifies vulnerable groups of women including those living in the outer islands (rural areas) and those with disabilities. Going forward, key recommendations arising from the Gender Action Plan (GAP) should be incorporated, as appropriate, into existing and future RMI policies to implement its 2050 Strategy. Human rights obligations should be similarly mainstreamed and safeguarded; 
    • Reliable data in relation to gender issues is a major deficiency. A strategy needs to be put in place to address this, including identifying data needs; 
    • Sex disaggregated data needs to be collected to improve the monitoring of the impact and effectiveness of climate change initiatives and policies.
Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC



Relevant context 

SIDS that is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Process for developing NDC 

NDC was developed through an all-inclusive process of engaging relevant stakeholders in and outside government, including the country’s first National Climate Change Dialogue and three rounds of stakeholder consultations. This process has produced genuine national ownership of the INDC and highlighted synergies with other UNFCCC-related processes, including National Communications, Biennial Update Reports, National Adaptation Planning, and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).

Summary of gender reference 

None, however, includes the following in relation to adaptation undertakings: At all steps of the way, local stakeholders will be consulted to ensure community needs are best served.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Reference to women/gender

Related News

Related Resources

Marshall Islands: Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2






Republic of the Marshall Islands. (2024). Information on the progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan (GAP) and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change Mandate: Decision 15/CP.28, para. 2. UNFCCC Submission.

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