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Central African Republic

New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC

2022 - 2030

Relevant context 

The Central African Republic is a landlocked country which is experiencing ongoing political instability. In 2019, the Central African Republic was ranked 159 out of 162 in the UN Gender Inequality Index, indicating very high gender inequality due to political insecurity. This country is vulnerable to extreme weather events such as storms as well as floods in the southwestern part and droughts in the northern part. Due to climate change, bacterial and viral diseases-related epidemics are thriving. In the northern part, the meningococcal disease incidences remain high during drought season.

This updated NDC shows marked improvement in the methodology, incorporated more sectors for mitigation actions, and included hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in its GHG coverage. The revised GHG emissions reduction target is more ambitious compared to the 2016 first NDC, increasing to 24.28% by 2030 compared to 5% by 2030.

Process for developing NDC 

The National Climate Coordination, supported by the UNDP Climate Promise Initiative, oversaw the process. A Steering Committee (CoPIL) established through a ministerial order served as an Intersectoral Technical Working Group to design and validate the proposed deliverables. A multi-stakeholder committee was formed to work on the strategic steering and validation of the results. Six sectoral working groups were established to formulate the mitigation and adaptation measures. As the process prioritized inclusive stakeholder engagement, representatives from women, youth and indigenous peoples’ organizations  were part of the above mentioned entities.

This updated NDC takes into consideration the progress of the first NDC, and is informed by the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Third National Communication.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

A proposed measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system is to be developed under this updated NDC. This MRV system will monitor the implementation of the mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as  finance. It will also integrate priority SDGs identified (specifically SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and 17). This system will also simplify the updating of inventories and periodic progress reporting to the UNFCCC. 

For the adaptation component, sectoral monitoring mechanisms will be established for agriculture and livestock; water resources, water and sanitation services; public health; and an integrated early warning system.

Summary of gender reference 

Apart from women’s involvement as stakeholders in the process for developing this NDC, this updated NDC would “ensure equitable access to economic opportunities across gender and will particularly target youth and indigenous peoples in areas where they are present.” As such the inclusion of gender is observed in sectoral targets of the mitigation and adaptation measures, such as the agriculture, forestry and other land uses sector. 

Gender-related targets of mitigation measures are, by 2030: (i) 50% women heads of household would be provided improved stoves, (ii) 50% women heads of household would be provided solar lightings and solar cookers, (iii) 50% women heads of household involved in coffee and cocoa based on agroforestry, and (iv) 50% women heads of household in urban areas would have planted at least one tree in their plot of land.

Gender-related targets of adaptation measures are, by 2030: (i) reduce the loss of land productivity by 50%, in which 50% female-owners would be targeted, and (ii) increase the production of non-timber forest products for food by 30%, in which 50% women heads of household would be targeted.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags

Analysis of Original NDC


Between now and 2030

Relevant context 

Among the world's poorest countries; non-Annex I Party.

Process for developing NDC 

It was developed based on a review of the literature, consultation of stakeholders and the directives for evaluating GHG emissions of the PCC. A Technical Group of Multi-Sectoral National Experts responsible for developing the INDC was also established.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

Plans to establish an appropriate national monitoring, reporting and verification system. Government will organise regular consultations with stakeholders at the national, regional and local level to update actions and make sure they are carried out.

Summary of gender reference 

Women identified as a vulnerable group in adaptation profile.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

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Related Resources

Stratégie Nationale Genre et Changements Climatiques de La République Centrafricaine






Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable (MEDD). (2023). Stratégie Nationale Genre et Changements Climatiques de La République Centrafricaine.

République Centrafricaine Proposition de Soumission A.4 (Décision /CP26 paragraphe 9 pour le mois de mars 2022)






République Centrafricaine. (2022). République Centrafricaine Proposition de Soumission A.4 (Décision /CP26 paragraphe 9 pour le mois de mars 2022). UNFCCC Submission in response to Mandate Table 4, Activity D.1, Annex to 3/CP.25 and Decision -/CP.26, para. 9

Questions d'orientation pour les soumissions sur le genre et le changement climatique dans le cadre du Plan d'Action Genre (GAP)






République Centrafricaine. (2018). Questions d'orientation pour les soumissions sur le genre et le changement climatique dans le cadre du Plan d'Action Genre (GAP). UNFCCC Submission in Response to Mandate Decision 3/CP.23 (Gender Action Plan, activity E.1).

République Centrafricaine Questions d'orientation pour les soumissions sur le genre et le changement climatique dans le cadre du Plan d'Action Genre (GAP) (en réponse au Mandat Decision 3/CP.23, GAP A.2)






République Centrafricaine. (2018). République Centrafricaine Questions d'orientation pour les soumissions sur le genre et le changement climatique dans le cadre du Plan d'Action Genre (GAP). UNFCCC Soumission en réponse au Mandat Decision 3/CP.23, GAP A.2.

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