The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement,
Recalling Article 10 of the Paris Agreement,
Also recalling decisions 1/CP.21, paragraphs 66 and 68, 15/CMA.1 and 8/CMA.2,
1. Welcomes the joint annual reports of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2020 and 20211 and commends their efforts to advance their work, as guided by the technology framework;
2. Welcomes the continuing collaboration of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network and invites them to strengthen their collaboration and the provision of feedback between them with a view to ensuring coherence and synergy and effective implementation of the mandates of the Technology Mechanism, inter alia, by exploring the preparation of a joint programme;
3. Takes note of the information provided in the joint annual report for 2020 on how the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network have incorporated the guidance contained in the technology framework into their respective workplan and programme of work;
4. Acknowledges with appreciation the commencement of the joint activities of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network on technology and nationally determined contributions, and on technology and gender, and the preparation of a joint publication on technology and nationally determined contributions and of joint recommendations on how to stimulate the uptake of climate technology solutions to support the implementation of nationally determined contributions;
5. Invites Parties and relevant stakeholders, in planning and implementing action related to nationally determined contributions, to consider and build on the recommendations contained in the joint publication referred to in paragraph 4 above; 6. Also invites the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to:
(a) Continue their work on technology and nationally determined contributions in 2022–2023, in particular by implementing relevant recommendations in the joint publication referred to in paragraph 4 above;
(b) Enhance their efforts to ensure full and effective implementation of the technology framework through their respective workplan and programme of work;
I. Activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee in 2020–2021
7. Appreciates the flexibility of the Technology Executive Committee in adapting to new ways of working, including through the use of virtual platforms for meetings and events, and in constructively engaging with its members, task forces, observers and other relevant stakeholders, thereby facilitating progress in successfully implementing activities in its rolling workplan for 2019–2022;
8. Invites Parties and relevant stakeholders to consider the key messages and recommendations of the Technology Executive Committee for 2020–2021 on technology policy in the following areas: technology needs assessment; technologies for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in coastal zones; international collaborative research, development and demonstration; innovative approaches to stimulating the uptake of existing clean technology solutions; and endogenous capacities and technologies;
9. Notes with appreciation the collaboration of the Technology Executive Committee with other constituted bodies and relevant organizations in implementing its workplan activities;
10. Welcomes the successful organization of the Technology Day events in 2020–20218 to promote innovative approaches to adaptation technologies related to climate-smart agriculture and ocean and coastal adaptation and encourages the Technology Executive Committee to continue using such events to strengthen the impacts of its work and to reach target audiences;
11. Commends the Technology Executive Committee on its efforts to mainstream gender considerations in its work, including through a structured approach that strives to ensure that gender focal points play an active role and gender balance is achieved with regard to the speakers at all its events in 2021, and looks forward to its continuing efforts on this matter;
12. Invites the Technology Executive Committee to further increase its activities on outreach and stakeholder engagement to disseminate its policy and publications, especially to target audiences;
13. Notes with concern that the Technology Executive Committee membership composition prevents certain Parties from fully participating in its work;
II. Activities and performance of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in 2020–2021
14. Welcomes the initiative of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to adapt to operational challenges resulting from the continuing pandemic by focusing on the implementation of technical assistance requests and making use of online stakeholder engagement and capacity-building activities;
15. Takes note of the activities, performance and key messages of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in 2020–2021, including challenges faced and lessons learned;
16. Welcomes the efforts of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to be more inclusive by implementing its gender action plan and enhancing engagement with the constituencies of women and gender, youth and indigenous peoples organizations;
17. Notes with appreciation that the Climate Technology Centre and Network is now the largest provider of readiness support for technology under the Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme and encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue its collaboration through the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme and to extend its engagement through the Project Preparation Facility with the Green Climate Fund;
18. Welcomes with appreciation the establishment of the Climate Technology Centre and Network partnership and liaison office in Songdo, Republic of Korea, which will focus its work on, inter alia, collaborating with the Green Climate Fund and research and development, and invites the Climate Technology Centre and Network to report on experience and lessons learned therefrom;
19. Welcomes with appreciation the continuing collaboration between the Climate Technology Centre and Network and the Adaptation Fund, including through the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator, and encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to further strengthen its collaboration with the Adaptation Fund in this regard;
20. Welcomes the action of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to engage with the private sector in developing and implementing its programme of work, including the delivery of technical assistance and capacity development through small and medium-sized enterprises, and its efforts to enhance engagement with the private sector and Network members;
21. Invites the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue its efforts to support developing countries in preparing and updating technology needs assessments and technology action plans, as well as their implementation, upon request;
22. Also invites the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue providing support for enhancing the capacity of national designated entities in developing countries to enable them to fulfil their roles.