EPA, Conservation International Mainstream Gender in Liberia’s Fight Against Climate Change
To boost Liberia’s fight against climate change, the EPA & Conservation International are including gender in the process.
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To boost Liberia’s fight against climate change, the EPA & Conservation International are including gender in the process.
This photostory captures images of omen's daily lives while exploring the gendered dimensions of climate change.
Minister of Environment says more women are affected by climate change, and the revised NDC includes women in many aspects.
Women make up more than 50% of population of Kazakhstan, but they are still underrepresented in many fields.
Climate change and gender equality are everyone’s business, and we can do more to achieve these mutually reinforcing goals.
Approaching these crises by centering feminism can help formulate fairer policies & projects that help improve life for everyone
Countries with high political representation of women are more likely to ratify environmental treaties & combat climate change.
Project in the Andean paramo ecosystem focuses on women-led sustainable agriculture and promotes women's decision-making
New study looks at how disasters boost the means, opportunity, and underlying drivers of violent behaviour.
New research shows efforts to complete policies on gender equality & climate change, but noted lack of women's participation
A recent webinar explored how women face greater difficulties in accessing climate finance and their role in climate action
We can’t fight climate change effectively without upholding sexual and reproductive health and rights.
A conversation with two women working to create a more inclusive climate leadership space
"We must consider that every voice in the room matters; regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or marginalized."
Assessing progress on gender mainstreaming in the context of climate change responses, as well as key challenges & opportunities
"To support sustainable development and gender goals, more attention needs to be given to these women energy producers"
Minister of Women, Family and Elderly Affairs called for mainstreaming gender in climate change and developing the green economy
Cette opération Operation Welcome vise à promouvoir la dignité des migrants et réfugiés vénézuéliens.
Nigeria launches National Action Plan in event with the Women Environmental Programme and Ministry of Environment
The Canada–African Development Bank Climate Fund will provide concessional loans to climate projects w/ strong gender components
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