Gender Equality is Important to Building Resilience and Peace during Disasters and Conflict
“The gender perspective highlights how pre-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities are exacerbated in conflict and disaster"
Welcome To The
Gender Climate Tracker
About the Gender Climate Tracker
News and Resource Center
Gender Mandates
in Climate Policy
Women's participation statistics in climate diplomacy
Country Profiles
“The gender perspective highlights how pre-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities are exacerbated in conflict and disaster"
All senior politicians, civil servants and negotiators to represent Britain at next year’s Cop26 talks are men
"The pandemic has hit hard, but these women are seeing a way to use this experience to create more resilience in the long-term."
A new anthology co-edited by two women climate leaders helps make the point that “the climate crisis is not gender neutral.”
"But the path to being taken seriously and treated as equals has been long."
Nigeria makes history approving its first National Action Plan on Gender and Climate Change.
A powerful pair working together in Lao PDR, minimising food insecurity by reducing gender inequality.
Gender equality in the agricultural sector in Africa needs to improve to develop productivity and living standard.
Climate Change Aggravates Gender Inequality
Global leaders on “Climate and Security: Advancing a Gender Lens” panel discussed a framework linking these issues.
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