National adaptation plans

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Decision 5/CP.17

National adaptation plans


Gender reference

Further reiterates that adaptation should follow a country-driven, gender-sensitive, participatory and fully transparent approach & should be based on and guided by gender-sensitive approaches. Additionally, the guidelines for the formulation of NAPs states that in developing NAPs, consideration would be given to the effective and continued promotion of participatory and gender-sensitive approaches.

Elaborated language

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 9, and relevant Articles of the Convention,

Also recalling decision 1/CP.16,

Acknowledging that national adaptation planning can enable all developing and developed country Parties to assess their vulnerabilities, to mainstream climate change risks and to address adaptation,

Also acknowledging that, because of their development status, climate change risks magnify development challenges for least developed countries,

Recognizing the need to address adaptation planning in the broader context of sustainable development planning,

I. Framing national adaptation plans

1. Agrees that the objectives of the national adaptation plan process are as follows:

(a) To reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, by building adaptive capacity and resilience;

(b) To facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation, in a coherent manner, into relevant new and existing policies, programmes and activities, in particular development planning processes and strategies, within all relevant sectors and at different levels, as appropriate;

2. Also agrees that planning for adaptation at the national level is a continuous, progressive and iterative process, the implementation of which should be based on nationally identified priorities, including those reflected in the relevant national documents, plans and strategies, and coordinated with national sustainable development objectives, plans, policies and programmes;

3. Further agrees that enhanced action on adaptation should be undertaken in accordance with the Convention, should follow a country-driven, gender-sensitive, participatory and fully transparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems, and should be based on and guided by the best available science and, as appropriate, traditional and indigenous knowledge, and by gender-sensitive approaches, with a view to integrating adaptation into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions, where appropriate;

4. Agrees that the national adaptation plan process should not be prescriptive, nor result in the duplication of efforts undertaken in-country, but should rather facilitate country-owned, country-driven action; 

II. A process to enable least developed country Parties to formulate and implement national adaptation plans

A. Guidelines

5. Agrees that the formulation of national adaptation plans should build on and complement existing adaptation planning;

6. Decides to adopt the initial guidelines for the formulation of national adaptation plans contained in the annex to this decision;

7. Invites Parties and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 13 February 2013, information on their experiences with the application of the guidelines for the national adaptation plan process for least developed country Parties, for compilation by the secretariat into a miscellaneous document for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-eighth session;

8. Requests the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on experiences with the application of the guidelines for the national adaptation plan process in least developed country Parties, taking into account the submissions referred to in paragraph 7 above and other relevant sources of information, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-eighth session;

9. Decides to take stock of, and if necessary revise, the guidelines mentioned in paragraph 6 above at its nineteenth session, taking into account the submissions referred to in paragraph 7 above, the synthesis report referred to in paragraph 8 above, reports of the Least Developed Country Expert Group and other relevant sources of information;

10. Invites least developed country Parties to use the guidelines and modalities contained in this decision, in accordance with their national circumstances, in preparing their national adaptation plans;

11. Also invites least developed country Parties to strive to implement institutional arrangements to facilitate their national adaptation plan process, building on existing institutions and consistent with their national circumstances;

B. Modalities

12. Decides on the following modalities to support and enable least developed country Parties to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, inter alia: (a) Technical guidelines for the national adaptation plans; (b) Workshops and expert meetings; (c) Training activities; (d) Regional exchanges; (e) Syntheses of experiences, best practices and lessons learned; (f) Technical papers; (g) Technical advice;

13. Requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group to provide technical guidance and support to the national adaptation plan process, as appropriate; 

14. Also requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, in carrying out its mandate to support the identification and implementation of medium- and long-term adaptation in least developed countries, to prioritize support for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans;

15. Further requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group to prepare technical guidelines as referred to in paragraph 12(a) above for the national adaptation plan process, based on the initial guidelines, included in the annex to this decision;

16. Requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group to arrange a review of the above-mentioned technical guidelines and to identify support needs for the process of formulation and implementation of the national adaptation plans, including through the modalities referred to in paragraph 12 above;

17. Also requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group to invite the Adaptation Committee and other relevant bodies under the Convention to contribute to its work in support of the national adaptation plan process; and to report, as appropriate;

18. Invites national and regional centres and networks to strengthen their programmes and engage in support of the national adaptation plan process in least developed country Parties, at the regional, national and subnational levels, as appropriate, in a manner that is country-driven and that encourages cooperation and coordination between regional stakeholders;

19. Also invites Parties to strengthen their engagement with regional centres and networks, where possible, in the process of formulation and implementation of the national adaptation plan process in least developed country Parties;

20. Requests developed country Parties to continue to provide least developed country Parties with finance, technology and capacity-building in accordance with decision 1/CP.16, including paragraph 18, and other relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties;

C. Financial arrangements for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans

21. Urges developed country Parties to mobilize financial support for the national adaptation plan process for least developed country Parties through bilateral and multilateral channels, including through the Least Developed Countries Fund, in accordance with decision 1/CP.16;

22. Requests the Global Environment Facility, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism, through the Least Developed Countries Fund, to consider how to enable activities for the preparation of the national adaptation plan process for least developed countries Parties, while maintaining progress for the least developed countries work programme, which includes the national adaptation programmes of action;

23. Invites United Nations organizations, specialized agencies and other relevant organizations, as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to support the national adaptation plan process in least developed country Parties and, where possible, to consider establishing support programmes for the national adaptation plan process within their mandates, as appropriate, which could facilitate financial and technical support to least developed country Parties; and to submit to the secretariat, by 13 February 2012, information on how they have responded to this invitation; 

24. Also invites Parties and relevant organizations as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to submit to the secretariat, by 13 February 2012, information on support to the national adaptation plan process in least developed countries;

25. Further invites the Global Environment Facility, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism for the operation of the Least Developed Countries Fund, to submit information to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, through the secretariat, by 13 February 2012, on how they could enable activities undertaken as part of the national adaptation plan process in least developed country Parties, for compilation by the secretariat into a miscellaneous document for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-sixth session;

26. Requests the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on the support for the national adaptation plan process for least developed country Parties, taking into account the submissions referred to in paragraphs 23–25 above and other relevant sources of information, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its thirty-sixth session;

27. Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to consider guidance on policies and programmes to enable support for the national adaptation plan process for least developed country Parties, at its thirty-sixth session, taking into account, inter alia, the guidance in decision 27/CP.7 and the synthesis report referred to in paragraph 26 above, and taking into account other relevant decisions on financial support under the Convention, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eighteenth session;

III. An invitation to developing country Parties that are not least developed country Parties to employ the modalities for national adaptation plans

28. Reiterates the invitation to other developing country Parties to employ the modalities for national adaptation plans elaborated in this decision;

29. Invites interested developing country Parties that are not least developed country Parties to use the guidelines for the national adaptation plans for least developed country Parties adopted in this decision, in accordance with their national circumstances, when formulating their national adaptation plans;

30. Requests the Adaptation Committee, in accordance with its agreed functions, to consider, in its workplan, the relevant modalities for supporting interested developing country Parties that are not least developed country Parties, to plan, prioritize and implement their national adaptation planning measures, including through the use of the modalities contained in this decision, and to report to the Conference of the Parties at its eighteenth session;

31. Invites the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the Convention, bilateral and multilateral organizations and other institutions as appropriate, to provide financial and technical support to developing country Parties to plan, prioritize and implement their national adaptation planning measures, consistent with decision 1/CP.16 and relevant provisions of the Convention; 

IV. Reporting, monitoring and evaluation

32. Invites Parties to provide information, through their national communications, on what measures they have undertaken and on support provided or received relevant to the national adaptation plan process;

33. Encourages least developed country Parties, to the extent possible, to provide information on their national adaptation plan process through their national communications, as well as other channels;

34. Requests the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, the Adaptation Committee and other relevant bodies under the Convention to include information in their reports on how they have responded to the requests made in this decision and on their activities relevant to the national adaptation plan process, as per their respective mandates;

35. Invites United Nations organizations, multilateral, intergovernmental and other international and regional organizations to provide information on their activities to support the national adaptation plan process;

36. Requests the secretariat, consistent with Article 8 of the Convention, to collect, compile and synthesize information needed by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to monitor and evaluate the progress made on the national adaptation plan process, drawing upon information in accordance with paragraphs 32-35 above;

37. Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to monitor and evaluate progress made on the national adaptation plan process at its forty-second session, based on the reports by the secretariat referred to in paragraph 36 above, with a view to making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate;

38. Further requests the secretariat to utilize and enhance existing databases, to include information on support and other activities under the national adaptation plan process, as appropriate;

39. Requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources. 



Initial guidelines for the formulation of national adaptation plans by least developed country Parties

I. Introduction

1. The elements described in paragraphs 2–6 below are indicative of the activities that can be undertaken in the development of national adaptation plans (NAPs). The planning of such activities will depend on national circumstances and should be determined by least developed country Parties.

II. Elements of national adaptation plans

A. Laying the groundwork and addressing gaps

2. Activities undertaken under this element would be planned with a view to identifying weaknesses and gaps in enabling environments, and addressing them as necessary, to support the formulation of comprehensive adaptation plans, programmes and policies, through, inter alia:

(a) Identification and assessment of institutional arrangements, programmes, policies and capacities for overall coordination and leadership on adaptation;

(b) Assessment of available information on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, measures taken to address climate change, and gaps and needs, at the national and regional levels;

(c) Comprehensive, iterative assessments of development needs and climate vulnerabilities.

B. Preparatory elements

3. In developing NAPs, consideration would be given to identifying specific needs, options and priorities on a country-driven basis, utilizing the services of national and, where appropriate, regional institutions, and to the effective and continued promotion of participatory and gender-sensitive approaches coordinated with sustainable development objectives, policies, plans and programmes. Activities may include the following:

(a) Design and development of plans, policies and programmes by considering decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 14(a), to address the gaps and needs referred to in paragraph 2 above;

(b) Assessments of medium- and long-term adaptation needs, and, as appropriate, development needs and climate vulnerabilities;

(c) Activities aimed at integrating climate change adaptation into national and subnational development and sectoral planning;

(d) Participatory stakeholder consultations;

(e) Communication, awareness-raising and education. 

C. Implementation strategies

4. Activities carried out as part of the implementation strategies would take into consideration the following:

(a) Prioritizing work according to development needs and climate change vulnerability and risk; (b) Strengthening institutional and regulatory frameworks to support adaptation;

(c) Training and coordination at the sectoral and subnational levels;

(d) Public dissemination of information on the national adaptation plan process, to be made available to the public and to the UNFCCC secretariat; (e) Considering other relevant multilateral frameworks and international programmes and initiatives, with a view to building on and complementing existing adaptation planning.

D. Reporting, monitoring and review

5. These activities, including national adaptation plan documents, could be included in national strategies and plans, as appropriate.

6. Under this element, Parties should undertake a regular review, at intervals that they determine: (a) To address inefficiencies, incorporating the results of new assessments and emerging science and reflect lessons learned from adaptation efforts;

(b) To monitor and review the efforts undertaken, and provide information in their national communications on the progress made and the effectiveness of the national adaptation plan process. 


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