Evaluación de Género y Desarrollo Sostenible en la Península de Yucatán, México

Año de publicacion 




Armijo Canto, N., Robledo Zaragoza, A. y Castañeda Camey, I. (2015) Evaluación de género y desarrollo sostenible en la Península de Yucatán, México. Serie Técnica: Gobernanza Forestal y Economía, Número 6. San José, Costa Rica: UICN, xvi+64pp.

Submission by the Republic of Mali on behalf of the African Group of Negotiators on the elements of the Gender Action Plan (in response to call for submission on Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


Año de publicacion 




Mali on behalf of AGN Submission on the elements of the Gender Action Plan. (2017). Submission by the Republic of Mali on behalf of the African Group of Negotiators on the elements of the Gender Action Plan. UNFCCC Submission on Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)

Submission by Nepal on possible elements of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) under the Lima Work Programme on Gender to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


Año de publicacion 




Nepal. (2017). Submission by Nepal on possible elements of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) under the Lima Work Programme on Gender to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. UNFCCC Submission Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30.

Le Canada présente des éléments possibles à ajouter au Plan d'Action en faveur de l'égalité des sexes qui sera mis en oeuvre dans le cadre du Programme de travail de Lima sur le genre (Mandat 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


Año de publicacion 




Canada. (2017). Le Canada présente des éléments possibles à ajouter au Plan d'Action en faveur de l'égalité des sexes qui sera mis en oeuvre dans le cadre du Programme de travail de Lima sur le genre. UNFCCC Soumission sur le Mandat 21/CP.22, paragraph 30.

Mexico's view on possible elements of the gender action plan to be developed under the Lima Work Programme on Gender. (SBI 46) (in response to call for submission on mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


Año de publicacion 




Mexico. (2017). Mexico's view on possible elements of the gender action plan to be developed under the Lima Work Programme on Gender. (SBI 46). UNFCCC Submission on mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30.

Submission on elements for the gender action plan under the Lima Work Program on Gender by Ethiopia on behalf of the Least Developed Countries Group (in response to call for submission on Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


Año de publicacion 




Ethiopia on behalf of on behalf of the Least Developed Countries Group. (2017). Submission on elements for the gender action plan under the Lima Work Program on Gender by Ethiopia on behalf of the Least Developed Countries Group. UNFCCC Submission on Mandate 21/CP.22, paragraph 30)


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