An Ambitious, Stakeholder-Driven Climate Change Commitment Ahead of COP26: Eswatini’s Revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Process
A brief piece on the Kingdom of Eswatini's revised NDC process.
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A brief piece on the Kingdom of Eswatini's revised NDC process.
Many women report changing their behavior to reduce emissions, finds Women’s Forum barometer.
Majority of rural women work in the agriculture and livestock sector, but unfortunately their efforts go unrecognised
Activists across the globe continue to fight to have their voices heard at the upcoming climate negotiations
A protest movement founded in Uganda in 2016 has exploded into a 7,000-strong force of eco-feminists to be reckoned with
Those worst hit by global heating are left out of talks, says feminist coalition calling for systemic change
A brief overview of how Nigeria will implement their recent Gender and Climate Action Plan.
Culturally accepted sharing method revealed a lack of awareness of how climate change effected women
Non-governmental and Governmental organizations gathered to hold a training on Climate Finance and the GCF for women in Nigeria.
Water management connects SDGs 5, 6, & 13: identifying interlinkages will facilitate more effective implementation of the goals.
Although climate change is a collective problem, its burdens weigh more heavily on women and girls.
As climate change atrocities continue to increase, women are faced with meeting their families' water and food needs.
Young Climate Activist shares her experiences living through climate disasters in Bangladesh and New York.
World Humanitarian Day should be marked by urgent commitments to climate adaptation and disaster preparation.
UNFPA outlines five effects of climate change that specifically target women and girls.
Feminism is based on egalitarianism, rejects neoliberalism as a corrupt, abusive system singly responsible for climate crisis.
Recent IPCC report continues to push conversations towards gender equality and climate action in Australia.
Vice Chair of the IPCC, Ko Barrett is using her position to increase the inclusion of women for monitoring gender objectives.
Budget surplus provides opportunity to help protect the people of California, writes Gender Equity Policy Institute president
Contribuer à la promotion des politiques sectorielles prônant le genre et l’autonomisation des femmes rurales et autochtones
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