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New or Updated NDC

Analysis of Updated NDC

The country has already started implementing its NDC and will do so until 2030.

Relevant context 

Developing, upper middle-income country currently facing significant and numerous financial crises that will be exacerbated by climate related disasters.

Process for developing NDC 

The NDC was developed by relevant government ministries, with inputs from experts and technical consultants and stakeholder groups. Expert meetings on mitigation and adaptation informed the level of ambition and targets. Consultations on the updated NDC were also held with participants from the youth, private sector and CSOs, with "gender representatives" engaged at all these meetings. Final approval of the updated NDC was given by the Council of Ministers.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

The NDC implementation process is overseen by the Ministry of the Environment. Six Climate Action Enablers (CAEs) are identified as crucial elements to implementing the NDC. These include: 1) improved governance and institutional capacities; 2) incentivized action and fiscal reform; 3) strengthened partnerships; 4) innovative research and development; 5) comprehensive integration; and 6) enhanced monitoring and transparency.

The updated document highlights Lebanon's current economic crisis and ties the implementation of the NDC to the financial support that the country can receive from the international community. Cooperation amongst all stakeholders is also said to be a crucial factor for achieving the NDC targets.

Summary of gender reference 

Just transition is currently a priority for Lebanon, and the updated NDC commits to adopt gender-responsive approach as the socio-economic status of vulnerable groups is considered and evaluated.

Gender is briefly mentioned in the description of Climate Action Enabler 5, on Comprehensive Integration. Along with the youth and other vulnerable groups, inclusion of "gender institutions" is identified as necessary for integrated solutions to climate change. According to the government, the necessary policy reforms will be undertaken to ensure the inclusion of these groups in NDC implementation.

SDG 5 on gender equality is mentioned among the SDGs that are key to Lebanon's adaptation priorities, and which is "considered relevant to all actions."

Finally, Lebanon is developing a "climate-proofing methodology" for the assessment and evaluation of climate projects and investments. When completed, this will integrate Environmental and Social Standards and considerations on gender-responsiveness.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender
Gender Tags
Context of gender reference

Analysis of Original NDC


Now until 2030

Relevant context 

Developing country that is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Process for developing NDC 

INDC was developed based on extensive stakeholder involvement. Mitigation and adaptation actions considered in the development of the INDC targets were selected using a bottom up approach, employing existing sectoral plans and strategies as a basis. This approach ensures full support from sectoral stakeholders who see their own planning reflected in the targets set by the INDC.

Description of Monitoring and/or Implementation Mechanism 

- Regarding implementation of the IDNC, while the institutional structures for the coordination remain to be agreed, Lebanon currently envisages a dedicated coordination unit located in the Ministry of Environment, aligned with the governance arrangements for the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy currently under preparation. Line ministries would remain accountable for the implementation of sectoral strategies and action plans, both at the national and local levels. The measures described above require the support of the international community in order to successfully continue the efforts put in place. - The monitoring, reporting and verification of the INDC implementation, which also requires support from the international community, will include planning and implementation of activities, assessment of impacts (GHG and non-GHG) as well as tracking of support (both national and international) needs and flows. Most of these activities are in some form already addressed by Lebanon’s response to UNFCCC reporting requirements for National Communications and Biennial Update Reports. Lebanon aims to integrate the necessary MRV activities into the existing processes and structures for the international reporting to ensure an efficient and consistent approach.

Gender Analysis Summary
Submitted NDC
Submitted language
Submitted translation
NDC commitments
Type of support
Participatory process for NDC development mentioned
Monitoring and/or implementation
Reference to women/gender

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