Les femmes sont au premier rang de la lutte pour le climat
Dans de nombreuses villes: ce sont surtout des jeunes femmes qui prennent la tête des manifestations pour le climat.
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Les mandats du genre dans la politique climatique
Statistiques sur la participation des femmes dans la diplomatie liée au climat
Profiles de pays
Dans de nombreuses villes: ce sont surtout des jeunes femmes qui prennent la tête des manifestations pour le climat.
Premières victimes du réchauffement climatique, les femmes sont à l’origine de nombreuses solutions innovantes.
Uncovering the impacts of bioenergy on women and forests in West Africa.
Women's situated knowledge is integral in solving the climate crisis.
New report examines why gender equality is necessary for efforts to mitigate & adapt to climate change.
We can solve climate change if we involve women.
"The world cannot afford to keep limiting the potential of women and girls in shaping climate actions."
Women everywhere are using their voices to take leadership and call for action on climate change.
"What's the Key Driver of the Renewable Energy Sector? Innovation. Innovation Requires Diversity".
"Selon la FAO, si les femmes occupaient des positions de pouvoir, la faim dans le monde diminuerait d'environ 15 %. Pourquoi?"
"Engaging women to deliver energy at the community level can help raise awareness of the advantages of renewable energy."
"Countries must recognize the outsize role indigenous peoples — particularly women — play in conservation."
Les experts soulignent l’importance de donner plus de pouvoir aux femmes pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique.
Addressing the unequal distribution of resources is crucial to achieving comprehensive climate action and policies.
Mental toll of climate change hits women 60% more than men.
When the G20 met last month, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe put climate change and women’s empowerment on the agenda.
Climate change is a feminist issue.
A five-acre farm nestled in the rolling hills just outside Kigali has become a local hub for agricultural innovation.
Three day workshop on the impact of the Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan held during SB50.
Women as climate action ambassadors in coastal districts of India's Odisha state
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