Capitalism And Colonisation: How The Climate Change Movement Is Being Whitewashed
An Overview of Whitewashing in the Climate Change Movement and four activists of color that you should know.
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An Overview of Whitewashing in the Climate Change Movement and four activists of color that you should know.
Although climate change is a collective problem, its burdens weigh more heavily on women and girls.
As climate change atrocities continue to increase, women are faced with meeting their families' water and food needs.
UNFPA outlines five effects of climate change that specifically target women and girls.
Vice Chair of the IPCC, Ko Barrett is using her position to increase the inclusion of women for monitoring gender objectives.
Recent IPCC report continues to push conversations towards gender equality and climate action in Australia.
New EIB Report: Development investments involving women & which take their needs into account are more effective & sustainable.
New study looks at how disasters boost the means, opportunity, and underlying drivers of violent behaviour.
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