Climate and Gender Justice: What‘s Needed to Finance Loss and Damage?
- Julie-Anne Richards
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Feminism is based on egalitarianism, rejects neoliberalism as a corrupt, abusive system singly responsible for climate crisis.
The article highlights the correlation between the climate crisis and the greater patriarchal structures of our society.
Many campaigners believe the organizers of COP26 are merely paying lip service to gender justice, while failing to walk the talk
As the UK opens COP26, the lack of women’s senior leadership in climate negotiations has been raised as an issue of concern.
"I think it's not just my experience. There are many activists from the global south who have been sidelined at the conference."
Women are underrepresented in climate leadership but hold the solutions for both people and planet.
As representatives gather in Glasgow, women and girls are already paying the high price of global inaction.
14 million women are at risk of losing contraception due to climate-related displacement.
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