Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Dynamics
Recognition of gender in adaptation needs, equal participation, & equitable access to resources key to adaptation in Bangladesh.
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Recognition of gender in adaptation needs, equal participation, & equitable access to resources key to adaptation in Bangladesh.
In Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, women are working to protect themselves, their families and their forests from climate change
La PDG de L’Oréal, a dit que la pandémie a mis en exergue deux enjeux : l’urgence climatique et la vulnérabilité des femmes
Women – activists, entrepreneurs, cleaners, carers, volunteers and artists – are organizing and raising awareness of the risks.
Women in Vanuatu are dealing with six crises; global women’s rights organisations are collaborating with regional alliances.
Coming of age in the time of climate change, teenagers like Maddie have become foot soldiers of a new environmental movement.
Many women lead the charge to create local, community-based solutions to tackle the effects of climate change.
Women climate leaders sounded notes of hope, solidarity, and urgency during a webinar convened recently.
At least 25% of Somali women experience gender-based violence exacerbated by conflict & displacement due to climate change.
Women as life-givers understand intimately the relationship between body, environment, movement, and our place in the world.
Women became self-appointed rangers in the forest, monitoring their land and making sure the loggers knew they were doing so.
The argument for girls’ education is both simple and powerful. However, it isn’t as it appears. Here are 3 reasons why.
The Gender Climate Change and Agriculture Support Programme (GCCASP) was designed to enhance resilience of rural women.
A gendered approach to understand the impact of climate change is crucial to appropriate mitigation & response strategies.
Africa's female farmers are excluded determining agriculture policies, while discriminatory laws deprive them of their land.
Climate governance policy is unable to account for the gender and caste inequalities that are dominant today.
Le changement climatique favorise la violence faite aux femmes dans les communautés de la région séparatiste du Somaliland.
Climate change is driving gender-based violence among rural communities in the breakaway region of Somaliland, Oxfam reports.
Rising sea levels, hotter temperatures and stronger currents along this coast are some of the changes divers are seeing.
To get a sense of how recent changes have affected Lake Chad’s residents, Nagarajan interviewed more than 250 people.
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