5 female climate activists in Japan to know this International Women’s Day
Japan is lagging behind in two aspects in the world. One is the advancement of women in society, and the other is climate action
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Japan is lagging behind in two aspects in the world. One is the advancement of women in society, and the other is climate action
Ni la tierra ni las mujeres somos territorio de conquista:El Ecofeminismo señala el vínculo de opresión entre mujer y naturaleza
Youth Women Leaders are leading the call to challenge political leaders' inaction on climate change.
The Breadfruit Collective was founded by Christine Samwaroo who says she was inspired by her own past experiences.
"El agua del río Aconcagua no está llegando al mar. Queda un esqueleto polvoriento, con rocas de todos los tamaños..."
YouthNet for Climate Justice leads Bangladeshi youth to fight for climate justice as a human rights issue.
La AfDB accorde une priorité élevée à la résilience climatique des femmes avec les États membres.
GWP highlights how women around the world are battling gender inequality to take back control of their water resources.
Des solutions climatiques équitables, inclusives et durables existent déjà au niveau local – il est temps de les financer.
Ecofeminism explains how patriarchy has contributed to the climate crisis.
IWD celebrations across the globe are calling for the recognition of climate justice as gender justice.
"The 66th Commission on the Status of Women will address the interlinkages between gender equality and climate change"
El Programa de Desarrollo de Capacidades busca avanzar el Proceso del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático.
Cada vez hay más evidencia de que el cambio climático afecta de forma desproporcionada a mujeres e infancias.
"“La pachamama (madre tierra) está molesta con todo el daño que le hacemos”, asegura convencida, campesina peruana de Cusipata"
Gender inequality affects the entire seafood sector, however there are also reasons to be hopeful! The supply chain is changing.
Los conocimientos ancestrales de mujeres Maya impulsan la creación de huertos familiares, beneficiando a la economía local.
"Han pasado 4 meses desde la desaparición de la ambientalista Mixteca Irma Galindo Barrios, mujer defensora de los bosques"
"With huge race and gender gaps in funding for environmental work, a group of grant-makers are trying to change the status quo"
Le Réseau Femmes Africaines pour le Développement Durable en Afrique Centrale a partagé son expérience à Glasgow
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