Les femmes veulent peser sur la Cop 26
Des sommités s’en sont émues auprès parce que la Conférence sur le climat de Glasgow manque de de leadership feminin.
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Des sommités s’en sont émues auprès parce que la Conférence sur le climat de Glasgow manque de de leadership feminin.
About 450 female politicians, academics & activists demand equal representation for women on the UK's male dominated COP26 team
A case study in Brazil points to a deep gender gap that still has to be bridged in the policymaking debate.
Rural women's capacity to confront natural disasters needs strengthening as they are most vulnerable to global warming impacts.
Natural disasters force women to take any chance to secure resources – whether through transactional sex or early marriage.
La N’Djaménoise s’est imposée comme l’une des personnalités incontournables des négociations sur le climat.
UN Climate Change has significantly boosted support efforts in two series of virtual workshops in 2020
Global health and climate change researcher Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson concludes, “social positions determine life and death.”
"Where we aren’t seeing women, however, is in the Canadian government's green recovery plans."
Civil society organisations are campaigning for a gender-equal and diverse COP26 leadership team
If climate policies and programmes are not assessed & formulated through a gender-sensitive lens, they will not be as effective
The UNDP in Kazakhstan is working to mainstream a gender agenda in the implementation of national climate policy
By pairing research with policy proposals, we can begin to ensure that gender is integral to climate solutions.
With the traditional way of life now unsustainable, Samburu women do jobs once reserved for men, such as trading livestock.
The Governors Climate and Forest Task Force is taking steps toward closing gender inclusion gaps and integrating gender.
Government agencies and CSOs attended a workshop on mainstreaming protection, gender & social inclusion issues into development
A green, inclusive and transformative recovery can be supported by integrating gender considerations into NDCs.
A real risk that women will not be able to take advantage of new green jobs as countries overlook gender in pandemic stimulus
"The fight for representation of women in decision-making tables has become more than about sharing power–a matter of survival."
“The gender perspective highlights how pre-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities are exacerbated in conflict and disaster"
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