Looking Beyond Conflict to Address Climate Change Impacts in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
A WPS agenda to understand gender insecurities of natural disasters and address the structural violence of the climate crisis
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A WPS agenda to understand gender insecurities of natural disasters and address the structural violence of the climate crisis
The GAP aims to increase Aotearoa New Zealand’s gender principal investment to 4% Official Development Assistance (ODA).
Not enough climate finance is going to women taking action on the ground, agreed discussants at a Chatham House event.
la plupart des risques tombent sur les groupes marginalisés - ce qui inclut la communauté LGBTQIA+
Keeping girls in school and taking young climate leaders seriously are keys to tackling climate change.
Adaptation and resilience strategies need to be an integral part of national health plans; upcoming NDCs should consider health.
New “Gender Based Micro Financing Mechanism” product emerges from UNDP/IICA project on disaster management capacity of women.
UNDP has been working closely with countries to undertake gender analyses to deliver stronger climate action.
Many unhelpful assumptions still plaguing climate change policy and research, and they hinder the pursuit of gender equality.
The Water, Climate and Gender Development Programme was launched by the Cameroon Chapter of the Global Water Partnership
Director of Center for 21st Century Issues calls for increased capacity and advocacy for gender inclusiveness to access the GCF.
Because of Johnson’s grassroots efforts to combat environmental racism, she is now known as the Mother of Environmental Justice
UNFPA is stepping up its game to ensure that adaptation responses are rights focused, gender sensitive and people centered.
The climate crisis has been shown to exacerbate violence against women and girls
La différence de préoccupation pour l'environnement est particulièrement nette pour les comportements liés à la maison
In Zambia, the Government has joined a coalition led by UNDP, FAO & WFP to help women turn goat rearing into economic fortune.
Le projet, financé par le FVC, vise à aider les femmes à atteindre la prospérité économique grâce à l’élevage de chèvres
Interview of UNEP officer of gender and climate change explores renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region
"With intersectional feminist leadership, we can get to the root cause of the climate crisis."
Marginalised sections of the urban population, particularly women, are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation
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