Women authors missing in IPCC report
IPCC report emphasises the role of women in climate management, but only around 30 per cent of the report’s authors were women.
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IPCC report emphasises the role of women in climate management, but only around 30 per cent of the report’s authors were women.
Government agencies and NGOs collaborate to empower Bolivian women to take on a greater role in their communities.
We are missing important ways gender impacts people’s experiences with climate change.
With a swiftly changing climate comes rapidly rising sea levels, more frequent storms, and rising inequality.
Panel discussed the impacts of climate change that force women to move, but also put them at disproportionately at risk.
“Gender and climate are inextricably linked,” said environmentalist and author Katharine Wilkinson.
A day dedicated to gender discussions which has been held at every international climate conference for the past seven years.
Climate change will have a profound effect on people in supply chains and the communities in which they operate.
Seeing the link between violence against women and girls and the resilience of communities to disasters or environmental crises.
Creative gender-responsive climate and environment actions key to achieving Paris Agreement Goals.
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