Women Make Science: From the Lab to Lake Victoria
In Kenya, a biological scientist works with local women to tackle climate issues and restore Lake Victoria's ecosystem.
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Profiles de pays
In Kenya, a biological scientist works with local women to tackle climate issues and restore Lake Victoria's ecosystem.
Feminist thinking must be at the forefront of climate crisis action plans.
Some governments at Global Climate Summit commit to clear action points to promote gender equality.
A training of trainers (ToT) to build local capacities on gender, climate change adaptation and the linkages between the two.
Focal points from three countries worked together to identify next steps for integrating gender considerations into NAPs.
As an iterative, participatory process, NAPs present considerable opportunities to incorporate gender-responsive approaches.
Women and men differ in their specific land-use strategies and preferences of crop types and motivations.
Sahia details the ways climate change and environmental degradation has changed her home, family, and work.
In a recent study, we found that extreme weather and unpredictable seasons disproportionately weaken the agency of women.
To meet the SDGs and climate change goals, Bangladesh must educate and empower young girls and boys to become leaders.
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