Gender Equity and Climate Change Have More in Common Than You Think
Siloing today’s most critical matters not only leads to policy blindspots; it also leads to abject policy failures.
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Siloing today’s most critical matters not only leads to policy blindspots; it also leads to abject policy failures.
Advancements in gender equality could have a profoundly positive impact on social and environmental well-being.
“Women across the globe have been leading environmental work for generations and will continue to lead,” says Sasha Forbes.
To meet the global demand for rice, climate change vulnerabilities & gender inequalities must be simultaneously addressed.
As climate change drives men in Asia and Africa to search for jobs further afield, the wellbeing of women back home is at risk.
In an interview, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson describes links between climate change, racial justice, gender equality, & the oceans.
Reforestation project launched to offer income opportunities for women's groups in two rural areas of Togo.
Women’s engagement in forestry and green jobs can lead to more sustainable economic growth--our climate and futures depend on it
New report highlights the urgent need for more women’s leadership and greater financial support for gender-just solutions.
An equitable future for women means a livable future for all of us.
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