Indigenous Women Are Championing Climate Justice
Globally, women-led resistance movements are effectively stopping or slowing local environmental destruction.
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Globally, women-led resistance movements are effectively stopping or slowing local environmental destruction.
Global people's movements and women leaders have been organizing for decades for climate justice, and community-led solutions.
U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium convenes virtually, declaring environmental justice key for combating climate change.
Intersection of gender and other social inequalities affects adaptation to eco-social changes, like water scarcity and crop loss
Natural disasters force women to take any chance to secure resources – whether through transactional sex or early marriage.
Migration of men, poverty and poor working conditions diminish women’s power to act
Local governments need to support women impacted by the climate crisis in the Himalaya
The law and policy framework to respond to climate change in South Africa is "for the most part not gender inclusive."
The job of collecting water during the dry season is sending women in northern Kenya farther afield, even while pregnant.
Owning their own land allows Kenyan women to build resilience to drought & flooding, but many are unaware of empowering laws
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