How Climate Crisis Widens Gender Gap
UN Women warns that global warming will further amplify the gender gap, because climate crisis is not "gender neutral."
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UN Women warns that global warming will further amplify the gender gap, because climate crisis is not "gender neutral."
Jamaica has launched the plan to assist with laying the groundwork for gender mainstreaming into various projects and planning.
Pakistan’s first-ever Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) is launched by IUCN and the Ministry of Climate Change.
A look at the need to integrate sexual and reproductive health rights into climate change solutions
Governments not listening to people with disabilities despite them being at high risk, say researchers
For many Global South activists & communities, pledges and actions agreed upon at COP26 were too late, inadequate, & exclusive.
As the climate crisis intensifies, attention is turning to how to foster resilience among the communities most affected by it.
Divorcing environmental issues from questions of gender & sexuality is not possible to live on a sustainable & equitable planet.
Extreme events drive economic instability, food insecurity &mental stress, disrupt infrastructure & exacerbate gender inequality
The importance of climate change has been distinctly recognised by young people, with young women leading a push for change.
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