Gender and Climate Justice: Why We Need More Women in Leadership in Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, there is growing research pointing to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women.
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In Hong Kong, there is growing research pointing to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women.
People in South Asia, who have contributed the least to worldwide emissions, are on the frontlines of the climate crisis
Governments must move beyond empty promises and towards accountability to address climate change
Sherry says engagement with the UK will provide support to Pakistan in several areas
GWP highlights how women around the world are battling gender inequality to take back control of their water resources.
The African Risk Capacity (ARC) and UN Women have called for concrete action to strengthen African women and girls’ leadership
Ecofeminism explains how patriarchy has contributed to the climate crisis.
The are many ways and forms to think and live the "ecofeminism", lest rethink and use this concept for a more equal world.
This Earth Day, we are highlighting stories of refugee women across the world.
A small reminder of some of the many women who have contributed to science and environmental care.
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