Gender Activists Are Rallying for More Women’s Participation in Climate Talks at #COP27
Women in vulnerable communities bear the brunt of the climate crisis, but still the number of women attending COP is declining,
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Women in vulnerable communities bear the brunt of the climate crisis, but still the number of women attending COP is declining,
Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change, but are also left out of decision-making.
Spanning across 11 events, Gender Day spotlighted efforts needed to ensure women's inclusion in a climate-resilient future.
During the ongoing COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt yesterday, Zimbabwe launched the Climate Change Gender Action Plan.
Climate change effects are having a disproportionate effect upon women and girls who are excluded from many conversations.
There is a substantial need to bring marginalized voices into our climate change responses and rebuild eco-feminist archives.
Gender activists want increased action to meet climate change goals focusing on the specific needs of African women and girls.
African activists call for the specific vulnerabilities of women and girls on the continent to take centre stage at COP27.
At COP27, the UN Women and Gender Constituency is making sure the voices of women and girls are represented at the negotiations.
As COP27 opens in Egypt, we spoke to Kenyans experiencing the damages of an exceptional drought.
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