Study of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Women and Men of the Caribbean

Année de publication 




Inter-American Development Bank: Value for Women. (2020, December). Study of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Women and Men of the Caribbean. Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience Countries. Inter-American Development Bank.

Gender Integration in REDD+ and ERPD in Nepal - Assessment Report & Gender Action Plan

Année de publication 




Shrestha, S., Magar, R. A., Thakali, S., Gurung, D. D., & Gurung, J. (2017). Gender Integration in REDD+ and ERPD in Nepal: Assessment Report and Gender Action Plan (Publication). Kathmandu, Nepal: Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management; For Forest Partnership Facility/World Bank.

Realizing Women’s Rights to Land and Other Productive Resources (second edition)

Année de publication 




United Nations (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), & United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). (2020). Realizing women’s rights to land and other productive resources (second edition) (2nd ed., Publication No. HR/PUB/13/04/Rev. 1). Geneva, Switzerland: OHCHR and New York, New York: UN Women

Plan Nacional de Adaptación a la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario de Uruguay

Année de publication 




Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca y Grupo de Coordinación del Sistema Nacional de Respuesta al Cambio Climático y Variabilidad. (2019). Plan Nacional de Adaptación a la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario de Uruguay

Gender [im]balance in productive and reproductive labor among livestock producers in Colombia: Implications for climate change responses

Année de publication 




Arora, D., Arango, J., Burkart, S., Chirinda, N., & Twyman, J. (2017). Gender [im]balance in productive and reproductive labor among livestock producers in Colombia: Implications for climate change responses. CCAFS Info Note; CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS): Copenhagen, Denmark.


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