Advocating to Bridge the Gender Gaps in Climate Justice
LWF and other faith-based organizations advocate for including women’s perspectives and concerns in climate policies and action.
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Profiles de pays
LWF and other faith-based organizations advocate for including women’s perspectives and concerns in climate policies and action.
The Bonn Climate Conference (SB 60) faces an important moment for gender, with the renewal of the Gender Action Plan.
Empowering women in agriculture can help boost productivity levels and ensure food security in the face of climate change.
Un calentamiento sin precedentes exige una acción sin precedentes, particularmente en relación a las mujeres.
Temperatures are increasing, recording twice as many deaths from heat in women as in men.
Pakistani women in climate action received the Gender Climate Award.
In Vanuatu, more local women are taking the lead on climate action, but there is a lack of funding.
The floods in Kenya have disproportionately impacted women and girls, exacerbating existing gender inequalities.
El 80% de las personas migrantes climáticas son mujeres y niñas: reivindican su inclusión en la toma de decisiones.
Food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa is exacerbated by climate change, and women are particularly affected.
Tres lideresas comunitarias dialogaron sobre los retos que supone el cambio climático para las mujeres y personas menstruantes.
A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights.
The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of elderly Swiss women who said inadequate govt efforts put them at risk.
La triple crisis que hoy enfrentamos impacta de manera desigual a las personas dependiendo de su grado de vulnerabilidad.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals depends on tackling women's land tenure insecurity in the Global South.
The Roots Rising Campaign for Gender-Just Climate Finance provides coordination and awareness for urgent action.
An overview of why climate change and its impacts are gendered.
The event “Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and Gender Equality” was held at CSW68.
Habib University held a two-day conference titled ‘Aamozish-e-Tehqeeq – Navigating Climate, Gender, and Peace’.
There is a way to combat climate change and invest in programmes that empower women at the same time: taxing the ultra-rich.
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