Queering Environmental Justice
A more inclusive environmental justice movement for the LGBTQ+ community, who are disproportionately affected by climate change
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A more inclusive environmental justice movement for the LGBTQ+ community, who are disproportionately affected by climate change
"Gender issues, climate change, and security problems are interconnected in complex and powerful ways."
"Women should be given the needed support to have the confidence and wherewithal to lead and be at the forefront of efforts."
A book featuring activist profiles seeks to inspire young women to further lead environmental discourse and action.
Political and financial commitment is needed to support the contributions of women and girls at all levels
Women play a crucial role in sustaining both food and income security, but their livelihoods are now being threatened.
"Tanzania is an excellent example of the efforts to uplift women into the fisheries sector. "
An intergenerational group of Pueblo women lead the way on water policy along the Middle Rio Grande Valley.
The article highlights the correlation between the climate crisis and the greater patriarchal structures of our society.
Tukupu: La primera empresa forestal Venezolana liderada por mujeres que busca reforestar y mantener los bosques de Imataca.
Jane Thirikwa writes about the need to fully include women, particularly land and water defenders to ensure inclusive change.
Legal team faces daily threats as it works to protect displaced families, ecosystems, and indigenous groups
14 million women are at risk of losing contraception due to climate-related displacement.
Diverse participation leads to more robust solutions, but COP26 shows we are still failing to include marginalised voices
As representatives gather in Glasgow, women and girls are already paying the high price of global inaction.
"I think it's not just my experience. There are many activists from the global south who have been sidelined at the conference."
Little Amal, marioneta gigante que representa a una joven refugiada siria llegó a Glasgow justo a tiempo para el Día de la Mujer
Women and children bear a disproportionate impact of climate change. Here’s what you need to know about Tuesday’s COP26 theme.
Climate-related exacerbation of air pollution & heat exposure significantly increases risks to maternal, fetal & infant health.
Many campaigners believe the organizers of COP26 are merely paying lip service to gender justice, while failing to walk the talk
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